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Paris, Portrait of a City

Paris, Portrait of a City


Autor: J.C. Gautrand

Wydawnictwo: Taschen
ISBN: 9783836502931
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
This is the vivid history of the capital of love and photography. After Berlin, Los Angeles, and New York, here comes the 4th volume in our "Portrait of a City" series: "L'air de Paris". A city built on two millennia of history, Paris is entering the third century of its love story with photography. It was on the banks of the Seine that Niepce and...
Tania Książka
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The Other Schindlers: Why Some People Chose to Save Jews in the Holocaust

The Other Schindlers: Why Some People Chose to Save Jews in the Holocaust


Autor: Agnes Grunwald-Spier

Wydawnictwo: The History Press
ISBN: 9780752459677
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Historia
'The author's painstaking research has unearthed a large number of fascinating stories which have never previously been told. This is a book to dip into with great interest' The Association of Jewish Refugees Thanks to Thomas Keneally's book Schindler's Ark, and the film based on it, Schindler's List, we have become more aware of the fact that, in...
Tania Książka
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The Great American Pin-Up

The Great American Pin-Up


Autor: Charles Martignette

Wydawnictwo: Taschen
ISBN: 9783836532440
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
They've been exciting generations of men, on calendars and covers, as centrefolds or even on playing cards: pin-ups. What started as an exercise in oils was soon taken up in various media - pin-up mascots graced the fuselages of American fighters, and became an essential feature of the male world of garages and barracks. And the age of political...
Tania Książka
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New and Native Beauty

New and Native Beauty


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: MERRELL
ISBN: 9781858944524
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
The architects Charles Sumner Greene and Henry Mather Greene worked together in California at the turn of the twentieth century, developing a distinctly American interpretation of the Arts and Crafts style. Between 1902 and 1910 the brothers produced their finest work, not only creating private residences but also providing design and construction...
Tania Książka
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Powrót do kariery. Jak wielcy liderzy naprawiają złamane kariery?

Powrót do kariery. Jak wielcy liderzy naprawiają złamane kariery?

Czy da się ocalić karierę i odzyskać reputację po poważnym kryzysie na ścieżce zawodowej? W erze, w której prasa karmi się sensacyjnymi historiami o upadłych liderach, politykach, gwiazdach, odważnych denuncjatorach oraz o tych, którzy padli ofiarą rywalizacji, zazdrosnych współpracowników i przełożonych, to pytanie stało się ważniejsze niż...
Tania Książka
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Musse D`Orsay. Art  Architecture

Musse D`Orsay. Art Architecture


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: h.f. ullmann
ISBN: 9783833129414
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Historia
Travel guide and art book rolled into one. Each volume of the Art Architecture series is opulently illustrated. The highly readable texts give you concentrated information on accessing well-known and less known sites in the world of art. An image of every piece of art that is described is included, allowing readers to easily recognize the original...
Tania Książka
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