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Understanding Civil Wars

Understanding Civil Wars

This volume explores the nature of civil war in the modern world and in historical perspective. Civil wars represent the principal form of armed conflict since the end of the Second World War, and certainly in the contemporary era. The nature and impact of civil wars suggests that these conflicts reflect and are also a driving force for major...
Tania Książka
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Understanding Naval Warfare

Understanding Naval Warfare

This new textbook offers the reader an accessible introduction to the study of modern naval warfare, providing a thorough grounding in the vocabulary, concepts, issues, debates and relevant history. Navies operate in an environment that most people do not understand and that many avoid. They are equipped with a bewildering range of ships, craft and...
Tania Książka
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Aircraft Systems Integration of Air-Launched Weapons

Aircraft Systems Integration of Air-Launched Weapons

This book covers the various aspects of weapons integration viewpoint. Tackling all the fundamental issues including the use of GPS to extend the effectiveness of older airframes, the book also covers interoperability within NATO countries, and the challenge of the design of autonomous platforms carrying weapons integrators. Discussing topics such...
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Przełomowe momenty w historii konfliktów zbrojnych

Przełomowe momenty w historii konfliktów zbrojnych


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Amber (uprz)
ISBN: 8324122877
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Wojsko, militaria, broń
(Wyd. 1) Zmiany w uzbrojeniu, taktyce i strategii, które wywarły wpływ na prowadzenie wojen: od epoki kamienia po wojnę z terroryzmem...
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Panzer IV

Panzer IV

"Przybycie na front nowych czołgów PzKpfw IV Ausf. F2 uzbrojonych w długolufą armatę kalibru 75 mm było więc wielkim świętem dla jednostek. Jak wspominał żołnierz 35. Pułku Pancernego 4. Dywizji Pancernej gefreiter Rudolf Meckl: podczas natarcia na Szewsk długlufe Hamsy (tak popularnie żołnierze niemieccy nazywali PzKpfw IV) zostały uznane przez...
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Mercenaries: A Guide to Private Armies and Private Military Companies provides a comprehensive survey and guide to the mercenary forces, entrepreneurs, and corporations that are a major component of warfare today....
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