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Population and Society

Population and Society

Population and Society is an undergraduate introduction to population that explains the latest shifts in population studies. The text provides a detailed and completely accessible overview that: @!situates demographic aspects of population - births, deaths, migration, disease - within the context of broader social impacts, like work, health and...
Tania Książka
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The Maastricht Treaty: Second Thoughts After 20 Years

The Maastricht Treaty: Second Thoughts After 20 Years


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Routledge
ISBN: 9780415641265
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Politologia, socjologia
The Maastricht Treaty, signed in 1992 and ratified in the following year, is widely seen as a landmark in the evolution of the European Union. It introduced into the treaty framework revolutionary new elements such as the co-decision procedure between the Council and the European Parliament, cooperation in the area of Justice and Home Affairs, the...
Tania Książka
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Symbolic Power, Politics, and Intellectuals

Symbolic Power, Politics, and Intellectuals

Power is the central organizing principle of all social life, from culture and education to stratification and taste. And there is no more prominent name in the analysis of power than that of noted sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. Throughout his career, Bourdieu challenged the commonly held view that symbolic power - the power to dominate - is solely...
Tania Książka
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The Global Spread of Fertility Decline

The Global Spread of Fertility Decline

The world's population has grown by five billion people over the past century, an astounding 300 percent increase. Yet it is actually the decline in family size and population growth that is the issue attracting greatest concern in many countries. This eye-opening book looks at demographic trends in Europe, North America, and Asia - areas that now...
Tania Książka
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Forensic Analytical Techniques

Forensic Analytical Techniques

The book will be an open learning / distance learning text in the Analytical Techniques for the Sciences (AnTS) covering analytical techniques used in forensic science. No prior knowledge of the analytical techniques will be required by the reader. An introductory chapter will provide an overview of the science of the materials used as forensic...
Tania Książka
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Thin Description

Thin Description

The African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem are often dismissed as a fringe cult for their beliefs that African Americans are descendants of the ancient Israelites and that veganism leads to immortality. But John L. Jackson questions what "fringe" means in a world where cultural practices of every stripe circulate freely on the Internet. In this...
Tania Książka
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