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Globalisation, the Global Financial Crisis and the State

Globalisation, the Global Financial Crisis and the State

The recent global financial crisis has challenged conventional wisdom, and our conception of globalisation has been called into question. This challenging and timely book revisits the relationship between globalisation, the crisis and the state from an interdisciplinary perspective, with law, economics and political science underpinning the...
Tania Książka
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Childhood Obesity in America

Childhood Obesity in America

A century ago, a plump child was considered a healthy child. No longer. An overweight child is now known to be at risk for maladies ranging from asthma to cardiovascular disease, and obesity among American children has reached epidemic proportions. Childhood Obesity in America "traces the changes in diagnosis and treatment, as well as popular...
Tania Książka
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The Nature of Cities

The Nature of Cities


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: John Hopkins University Press
ISBN: 9781421413846
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Politologia, socjologia
In the early twentieth century, America was transformed from a predominantly agricultural nation to one whose population resided mostly in cities. Yet rural areas continued to hold favored status in the country's political life. For prominent figures in the social sciences, city planning, and real estate who were anxious about the future of cities,...
Tania Książka
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Drone Warfare

Drone Warfare

One of the most significant and controversial developments in contemporary warfare is the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly referred to as drones. In the last decade, US drone strikes have more than doubled and their deployment is transforming the way wars are fought across the globe. But how did drones claim such an important role in...
Tania Książka
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Risk Management of Less Lethal Options

Risk Management of Less Lethal Options

Force used to quell out-of-control demonstrations or detain unruly individuals can result in litigation and bad press for law enforcement agencies. Injury or loss of life can best be avoided if agencies have accurate knowledge and proper training in less lethal options. Risk Management of Less Lethal Options: Evaluation, Deployment, Aftermath, and...
Tania Książka
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Biologiczne mechanizmy zachowań

Biologiczne mechanizmy zachowań

Psychologia jest ekscytującą dziedziną badań miedzy innymi dlatego, że wiele ją łączy z takimi dyscyplinami, jak filozofia, psychiatria, socjologia czy biologia. Poszczególne rozdziały niniejszej książki przedstawiają istotne dla badań nad zachowaniem obszary wiedzy biologicznej - tematy dociekań najbardziej fascynujące i najmocniej związane z...
Tania Książka
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