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Discontinuity in Learning

Discontinuity in Learning

In this groundbreaking book, Andrea English challenges common assumptions by arguing that discontinuous experiences, such as uncertainty and struggle, are essential to the learning process. To make this argument, Dr English draws from the works of two seminal thinkers in philosophy of education - nineteenth-century German philosopher J. F. Herbart...
Tania Książka
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Constructional Change in English

Constructional Change in English

Martin Hilpert combines construction grammar and advanced corpus-based methodology into a new way of studying language change. Constructions are generalizations over remembered exemplars of language use. These exemplars are stored with all their formal and functional properties, yielding constructional generalizations that contain many parameters...
Tania Książka
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Holy Sh*t

Holy Sh*t

Swearing is a fascinating thing. Almost everyone does it, or worries about not doing it, from the two year old who has just discovered the power of the potty mouth to the grandma who wonders why every other word she hears is obscene. But more than its cultural ubiquity, swearing is also interesting for what it tells us about language and society,...
Tania Książka
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Seria Literacka 22 (42). Polsko-żydowskie, żydowsko-polskie

Seria Literacka 22 (42). Polsko-żydowskie, żydowsko-polskie

Opis polsko-żydowskiej biografii nie odnosi się w prosty sposób do dziejów Żydów w Polce, ani do relacji politycznych obu nacji. Chodzi w nim o sytuację nałożenia dwóch rodowodów, tradycji, religii, języków, ściślej - o to przede wszystkim, co zdaje komplikacją tego stanu, rozziewem, niedokładnością, szczeliną, być może błędem w rozpoznawaniu...
Tania Książka
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The Functional Analysis of English

The Functional Analysis of English

The Functional Analysis of English is an introduction to the analysis and description of English, based on the principles of systemic functional linguistics. It sets out the tools and analytic techniques of Hallidayan grammar with clear explanations of terminology and illustrates these with examples from a variety of texts, including science,...
Tania Książka
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Imprisoned in English

Imprisoned in English

Imprisoned in English argues that in the present English-dominated world, social sciences and the humanities are locked in a conceptual framework grounded in English and that most scholars in these fields are not aware of the need to break away from this framework to reach a more universal, culture-independent perspective on things human. Indeed...
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