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State of Crisis

State of Crisis

Today we hear much talk of crisis and comparisons are often made with the Great Depression of the 1930s, but there is a crucial difference that sets our current malaise apart from the 1930s: today we no longer trust in the capacity of the state to resolve the crisis and to chart a new way forward. In our increasingly globalized world, states have...
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Understanding the Discrete Element Method

Understanding the Discrete Element Method


Autor: Hans-Georg Matuttis

Wydawnictwo: John Wiley Sons
ISBN: 9781118567203
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
This title gives readers a more thorough understanding of DEM and equips researchers for independent work and an ability to judge methods related to simulation of polygonal particles. It introduces DEM from the fundamental concepts (theoretical mechanics and solidstate physics), with 2D and 3D simulation methods for polygonal particles. It provides...
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The Emergent Multiverse

The Emergent Multiverse


Autor: David Wallace

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780198707547
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
The Emergent Multiverse presents a striking new account of the 'many worlds' approach to quantum theory. The point of science, it is generally accepted, is to tell us how the world works and what it is like. But quantum theory seems to fail to do this: taken literally as a theory of the world, it seems to make crazy claims: particles are in two...
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Guns in America

Guns in America

Even before the recent Newtown, CT massacre, gun violence and gun control has preoccupied public officals and legislators at all levels of government as well as powerful special interest groups for years. The Gun Debate: What Everyone Needs to Know tours the issues that Americans debate when they talk about guns. The volume includes information on...
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Religia. Kochamy Pana Jezusa. Poradnik metodyczny. Klasa 2. Materiały pomocnicze - szkoła podstawowa
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Straightforward Statistics

Straightforward Statistics


Autor: Glenn Geher

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199751761
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Straightforward Statistics: Understanding the Tools of Research is a clear and direct introduction to statistics for the social, behavioral, and life sciences. Based on the author's extensive experience teaching undergraduate statistics, this book provides a narrative presentation of the core principles that provide the foundation for modern-day...
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