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Matrix Spaces and Schur Multipliers

Matrix Spaces and Schur Multipliers

This book gives a unified approach to the theory concerning a new matrix version of classical harmonic analysis. Most results in the book have their analogues as classical or newer results in harmonic analysis. It can be used as a source for further research in many areas related to infinite matrices. In particular, it could be a perfect starting...
Tania Książka
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Metal Nanopowders

Metal Nanopowders


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: VCH
ISBN: 9783527333615
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Written with both postgraduate students and researchers in academia and industry in mind, this reference covers the chemistry behind metal nanopowders, including production, characterization, oxidation and combustion. The contributions from renowned international scientists working in the field detail applications in technologies, scale-up...
Tania Książka
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Religia. Ze Zmartwychwstałym w społeczeństwie. Klasa 1. Podręcznik - szkoła ponadgimnazjalna

Religia. Ze Zmartwychwstałym w społeczeństwie. Klasa 1. Podręcznik - szkoła ponadgimnazjalna

Podręcznik ZE ZMARTWYCHWSTAŁYM W SPOŁECZEŃSTWIE jest podręcznikiem do nauczania religii rzymsko - katolickiej na terenie całej Polski, z zachowaniem praw biskupów diecezjalnych. Jest ściśle zgodny z programem nauczania nr AZ-5-01/1 Podręcznik ZE ZMARTWYCHWSTAŁYM W SPOŁECZEŃSTWIE: - pierwszy podręcznik napisany z myślą o uczniach szkół zawodowych ...
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Developmental Genomics of Ascidians

Developmental Genomics of Ascidians


Autor: Noriyuki Satoh

Wydawnictwo: John Wiley Sons
ISBN: 9781118656181
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
The simplicity and lack of redundancy in their regulatory genes have made ascidians one of the most useful species in studying developmental genomics. In Developmental Genomics of Ascidians, Dr. Noriyuki Satoh explains the developmental genomics of ascidians, stresses the simplicity of Ciona developmental system, and emphasizes single-cell level...
Tania Książka
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Generation of Surfaces

Generation of Surfaces


Autor: Stephen P. Radzevich

Wydawnictwo: Apple
ISBN: 9781482222111
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
A commonly used practice in industry is the machining of sculptured part surfaces on a multiaxis numerical control (NC) machine. While this practice is vital, it is also a costly aspect of the surface generation process. After investing more than 40 years of research into the theory of part surface generation, the author of Generation of Surfaces:...
Tania Książka
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Molecular Biology

Molecular Biology

The biological world operates on a multitude of scales - from molecules to cells to tissues to organisms to ecosystems. Throughout all these levels runs a common thread: the communication and onward passage of information - from cell to cell, from organism to organism and, ultimately, from generation to generation. But how does this information -...
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