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Analysis and Synthesis of Fault-Tolerant Control Systems

Analysis and Synthesis of Fault-Tolerant Control Systems


Autor: Magdi S. Mahmoud

Wydawnictwo: John Wiley Sons
ISBN: 9781118541333
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
In recent years, control systems have become more sophisticated in order to meet increased performance and safety requirements for modern technological systems. Engineers are becoming more aware that conventional feedback control design for a complex system may result in unsatisfactory performance, or even instability, in the event of malfunctions...
Tania Książka
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Matematyka. Łatwa matematyka. Klasa 5. Zeszyt ćwiczeń. Część 2 - szkoła podstawowa

Matematyka. Łatwa matematyka. Klasa 5. Zeszyt ćwiczeń. Część 2 - szkoła podstawowa

Seria Łatwa matematyka do nauczania matematyki w klasie piątej szkoły podstawowej zawiera podręcznik oraz zeszyty ćwiczeń....
Tania Książka
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People, Parasites, and Plowshares

People, Parasites, and Plowshares

Dickson D. Despommier's vivid, visceral account of the biology, behavior, and history of parasites follows the interplay between these fascinating life forms and human society over thousands of years. Despommier focuses on long-term host-parasite associations, which have evolved to avoid or even subvert the human immune system. Some parasites do...
Tania Książka
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Integrated Principles of Zoology

Integrated Principles of Zoology


Autor: Susan L. Keen

Wydawnictwo: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 9781259080784
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Emphasizing the central role of evolution in generating diversity, this best-selling text describes animal life and the fascinating adaptations that enable animals to inhabit so many ecological niches. Featuring high quality illustrations and photographs set within an engaging narrative, Integrated Principles of Zoology is considered the standard...
Tania Książka
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Matematyka. Łatwa matematyka. Klasa 5. Zeszyt ćwiczeń. Część 3 - szkoła podstawowa

Matematyka. Łatwa matematyka. Klasa 5. Zeszyt ćwiczeń. Część 3 - szkoła podstawowa

Seria Łatwa matematyka do nauczania matematyki w klasie piątej szkoły podstawowej zawiera podręcznik oraz zeszyty ćwiczeń....
Tania Książka
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Quantum Chemistry

Quantum Chemistry


Autor: Ira N. Levine

Wydawnictwo: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 9780321803450
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Known for its solid presentation of mathematics, this bestseller is a rigorous but accessible introduction to both quantum chemistry and the math needed to master it. Quantum Chemistry, Seventh Edition covers quantum mechanics, atomic structure, and molecular electronic structure, and provides a thorough, unintimidating treatment of operators,...
Tania Książka
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