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A Combined MRI and Histology Atlas of the Rhesus Monkey Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates

A Combined MRI and Histology Atlas of the Rhesus Monkey Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates


Autor: Nikos K. Logothetis

Wydawnictwo: Academic Press
ISBN: 9780123850874
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
The second edition of this atlas maps the detailed architectonic subdivisions of the cortical and subcortical areas in the macaque monkey brain using high-resolution magnetic resonance (MR) images and the corresponding histology sections in the same animal. This edition of the atlas is unlike anything else available as it includes the detailed...
Tania Książka
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Hilbert - Huang Transform and Its Applications

Hilbert - Huang Transform and Its Applications


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: World Scientific Publishing Co Ltd
ISBN: 9789814508230
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
This book is written for scientists and engineers who use HHT (Hilbert - Huang Transform) to analyze data from nonlinear and non-stationary processes. It can be treated as a HHT user manual and a source of reference for HHT applications. The book contains the basic principle and method of HHT and various application examples, ranging from the...
Tania Książka
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Język francuski. Fluo 1. Klasa 4-6. Podręcznik - szkoła podstawowa

Język francuski. Fluo 1. Klasa 4-6. Podręcznik - szkoła podstawowa

Podręcznik do nauki języka francuskiego przeznaczony dla dzieci od 8. do 12. roku życia. Każda z dwóch części kursu przewidziana jest na ok. 60 godzin nauki języka. Kompletny kurs języka francuskiego od podstaw Podręcznik nowoczesny, komunikatywny, łatwy w użyciu Autorzy zwrócili szczególną uwagę na odpowiedni dobór materiału, kierując się...
Tania Książka
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Automating with SIMATIC S7-400 Inside TIA Portal

Automating with SIMATIC S7-400 Inside TIA Portal


Autor: Hans Berger

Wydawnictwo: Siemens
ISBN: 9783895783838
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
This book presents a comprehensive description of the configuration of devices and network for the S7-400 components inside the engineering framework TIA Portal. You learn how to formulate and test a control program with the programming languages LAD, FBD, STL, and SCL. The book is rounded off by configuring the distributed I/O with PROFIBUS DP and...
Tania Książka
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Laboratory Studies in Integrated Principles of Zoology

Laboratory Studies in Integrated Principles of Zoology


Autor: Allan Larson

Wydawnictwo: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 9780077508883
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Emphasizing the central role of evolution in generating diversity, this best-selling text describes animal life and the fascinating adaptations that enable animals to inhabit so many ecological niches. Featuring high quality illustrations and photographs set within an engaging narrative, Integrated Principles of Zoology is considered the standard...
Tania Książka
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Comprehensive Textbook of Echocardiography: Volumes 1  2

Comprehensive Textbook of Echocardiography: Volumes 1 2

This two volume textbook is a practical guide to echocardiography for trainees. Divided into seven sections, the book begins with an introduction to the history and basics of echocardiography. The second section explains how to perform different types of echocardiograph. Each of the following sections examines echocardiography and its...
Tania Książka
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