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Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology

Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology


Autor: George Manuselis

Wydawnictwo: W.B. Saunders Company
ISBN: 9780323089890
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Providing a solid introduction to the essentials of diagnostic microbiology, this accessible, full-color text helps you develop the problem-solving skills necessary for success in the clinical setting. A reader-friendly, "building block" approach to microbiology moves progressively from basic concepts to advanced understanding, guiding you through...
Tania Książka
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Mathematical Concepts for Mechanical Engineering Design

Mathematical Concepts for Mechanical Engineering Design


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Apple
ISBN: 9781926895628
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Mathematical Concepts for Mechanical Engineering Design provides a broad understanding of the main computational techniques used for simulation of water distribution networks and water transmission systems. It introduces the theoretical background to a number of techniques and general data analysis techniques. The book also examines the application...
Tania Książka
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Pump Characteristics and Applications

Pump Characteristics and Applications


Autor: Michael W. Volk

Wydawnictwo: CRC Press Inc.
ISBN: 9781466563087
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Providing a wealth of information on pumps and pump systems, Pump Characteristics and Applications, Third Edition details how pump equipment is selected, sized, operated, maintained, and repaired. The book identifies the key components of pumps and pump accessories, introduces the basics of pump and system hydraulics as well as more advanced...
Tania Książka
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The Pocket Spine, Second Edition

The Pocket Spine, Second Edition


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Apple
ISBN: 9781482253993
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Featuring a compact format offering quick-reference coverage, The Pocket Spine, Second Edition emphasizes basic spine concepts in concise terms. With a wealth of drawings, charts, and tables to support the text, the book explores: Head and spine trauma Cervical degenerative disc disease Rheumatoid arthritis Spinal deformities Compression fractures...
Tania Książka
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Fundamentals of Signals and Systems Using the Web and MATLAB

Fundamentals of Signals and Systems Using the Web and MATLAB

For a one-quarter or one-semster course on Signals and Systems. This new edition delivers an accessible yet comprehensive analytical introduction to continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. It also incorporates a strong emphasis on solving problems and exploring concepts, using demos, downloaded data, and MATLAB(R) to demonstrate...
Tania Książka
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Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXXVI: Volume 1518

Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXXVI: Volume 1518


Autor: Kevin Fox

Wydawnictwo: MaterialsResearch Society
ISBN: 9781605114958
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Symposium LL, 'Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXXVI', was held November 25-30 at the 2012 MRS Fall Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts. This Symposium continues to set the research agenda in the field of radioactive waste management, charting the development of waste processing, conditioning, packaging and disposal. Symposium XXXVI...
Tania Książka
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