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Problems in Breast Surgery

Problems in Breast Surgery


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Quality Medical Publishing
ISBN: 9781576262597
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Problems in Breast Surgery: A Repair Manual is destined to become a valued part of every plastic surgeon and breast surgeon's library. This unique book provides a virtual lifeline for addressing the challenges encountered in aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgery and avoiding possible problems and complications. This is not a traditional...
Tania Książka
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Sex Itself

Sex Itself

Human genomes are 99.9 percent identical - with one prominent exception. Instead of a matching pair of X chromosomes, men carry a single X, coupled with a tiny chromosome called the Y. Tracking the emergence of a new and distinctive way of thinking about sex represented by the unalterable, simple, and visually compelling binary of the X and Y...
Tania Książka
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In Agewise, renowned cultural critic Margaret Morganroth Gullette reveals that much of what we dread about aging is actually the result of ageism - which we can, and should, battle as strongly as we do racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry. A bracing, controversial call for a movement of resistance, Agewise will surprise, enlighten, and,...
Tania Książka
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Brs Cell Biology and Histology

Brs Cell Biology and Histology

Succeed on the USMLE and course exams with BRS Cell Biology and Histology, 7e. Acclaimed for its easy-to-read, easy-to-scan outline format, this bestselling book includes over 320 USMLE-style questions (with complete answers and explanations), as well as a comprehensive USMLE-format examination at the end of the book. Featuring a wide range of...
Tania Książka
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College Physics, Plus MasteringPhysics without eText

College Physics, Plus MasteringPhysics without eText


Autor: Hugh Young

Wydawnictwo: Pearson Education
ISBN: 9781447963646
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
For more than five decades, Sears and Zemansky's College Physics has provided the most reliable foundation of physics education for students around the world. TheNinth Edition continues that tradition with new features that directly address the demands on today's student and today's classroom. A broad and thorough introduction to physics, this new...
Tania Książka
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Lectures on Lyapunov Exponents

Lectures on Lyapunov Exponents

The theory of Lyapunov exponents originated over a century ago in the study of the stability of solutions of differential equations. Written by one of the subject's leading authorities, this book is both an account of the classical theory, from a modern view, and an introduction to the significant developments relating the subject to dynamical...
Tania Książka
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