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Non-invasive Brain Stimulation

Non-invasive Brain Stimulation


Autor: Carlo Miniussi

Wydawnictwo: Taylor Francis
ISBN: 9781848727564
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Cognitive deficits are a common consequence of neurological disease, and there is evidence that specific cognitive training may be effective in rehabilitation. Behavioural dysfunction following neurological disease constitutes one of the major causes of disability worldwide, exerts a major impact on the daily life of affected individuals, and their...
Tania Książka
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Internet and Society

Internet and Society

In this exceptional study, Christian Fuchs discusses how the internet has transformed the lives of human beings and social relationships in contemporary society. By outlining a social theory of the internet and the information society, he demonstrates how the ecological, economic, political, and cultural systems of contemporary society have been...
Tania Książka
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Kamyczkowe rady. Program wychowawczy dla dzieci od 3 do 10 roku życia

Kamyczkowe rady. Program wychowawczy dla dzieci od 3 do 10 roku życia


Autor: Praca zbiorowa

Wydawnictwo: Rea
ISBN: 9788371416997
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Pedagogika
/ Dydaktyka, edukacja
UWAGA! Informujemy, że już niedługo książeczki, które ukazywały się dotychczas w serii Kamyczek, będą zatytułowane KAJTUŚ. Zmiana dotyczy zarówno nowych tytułów jak i wznowień tytułów wydanych dotychczas. Pierwsze książeczki z serii KAJTUŚ powinny ukazać się w pierwszej połowie roku. Wyjątkowy poprzez swoją tematykę i strukturę program wychowawczy...
Tania Książka
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Langman's Medical Embryology 12e

Langman's Medical Embryology 12e

Langman's Medical Embryology covers embryology for medical, nursing, and health professions students with a strong clinical emphasis. The text is highly valued as a teaching and learning resource for its clinical correlation boxes, summaries, problems to solve, illustrations and clinical images, and clear, concise writing style - all of which make...
Tania Książka
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Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineering

Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineering


Autor: Mathieu Mory

Wydawnictwo: John Wiley Sons
ISBN: 9781848212817
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
The book aims at providing to master and PhD students the basic knowledge in fluid mechanics for chemical engineers. Applications to mixing and reaction and to mechanical separation processes are addressed. The first part of the book presents the principles of fluid mechanics used by chemical engineers, with a focus on global theorems for...
Tania Książka
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Toolbox for Autologous Breast Reconstruction, an Issue of Clinics in Plastic Surgery

Toolbox for Autologous Breast Reconstruction, an Issue of Clinics in Plastic Surgery

This title covers such topics as: Overview of Perforator Imaging and Flap Perfusion Technologies; Assessing Perforator Architecture; Acoustic Doppler Sonography, Color Duplex Ultrasound, and Laser Doppler Flowmetry as Tools for Successful Autologous Breast Reconstruction; Doppler Sonography and Color Duplex Imaging; Computerized Tomographic and...
Tania Książka
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