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Słownik włoski. Włosko-polski, polsko-włoski

Słownik włoski. Włosko-polski, polsko-włoski

Słownik włosko-polski, polsko-włoski - około 33 000 haseł i zwrotów, współczesne słownictwo - podstawowa terminologia z wielu dziedzin - wyrażenia idiomatyczne i potoczne - zasady wymowy języka włoskiego - nazwy geograficzne - przewodnik kulinarny...
Tania Książka
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The Doctor's Communication Handbook

The Doctor's Communication Handbook

This bestselling guide has established itself as the ultimate guide to patient communication for all doctors, whatever their experience and wherever they practice. As patients become participants, doctors are increasingly adjusting to new roles and forms of communication - from orators and governors to confidants and interpreters. The Seventh...
Tania Książka
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Brain  Behavior

Brain Behavior


Autor: Bob Garrett

Wydawnictwo: SAGE Publications
ISBN: 9781452260952
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
The Fourth Edition of Brain Behavior: An Introduction to Biological Psychology showcases our rapidly increasing understanding of the biological foundations of behavior, engaging students immediately with easily accessible content. Bob Garrett uses colorful illustrations and thought-provoking facts while maintaining a "big-picture" approach that...
Tania Książka
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Probability: A Very Short Introduction

Probability: A Very Short Introduction


Autor: John Haigh

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199588480
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Making good decisions under conditions of uncertainty - which is the norm - requires a sound appreciation of the way random chance works. As analysis and modelling of most aspects of the world, and all measurement, are necessarily imprecise and involve uncertainties of varying degrees, the understanding and management of probabilities is central to...
Tania Książka
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Basic Guide to Dental Instruments

Basic Guide to Dental Instruments

Basic Guide to Dental Instruments provides a working inventory of dental instrumentation in common use in dental surgeries. A clear photograph of each instrument is included, and described according to name, usage, any relevant features and varieties. Each section is dedicated to a specific discipline or division of dentistry. Complete set-ups...
Tania Książka
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Mechanical Behavior of Materials

Mechanical Behavior of Materials


Autor: Norman Dowling

Wydawnictwo: Pearson Education
ISBN: 9780273764557
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
For upper-level undergraduate engineering courses in Mechanical Behavior of Materials. Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 4/e introduces the spectrum of mechanical behavior of materials, emphasizing practical engineering methods for testing structural materials to obtain their properties, and predicting their strength and life when used for...
Tania Książka
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