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Small Animal Critical Care Medicine

Small Animal Critical Care Medicine

Emphasizing evidence-based therapy for critically ill or injured dogs and cats, Small Animal Critical Care Medicine, 2nd Edition puts diagnostic and management strategies for common disorders at your fingertips. It covers critical care medical therapy, monitoring, and prognosis - from triage and stabilization through the entire course of acute...
Tania Książka
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Social and Behavioral Research and the Internet

Social and Behavioral Research and the Internet

Highlighting the progress made by researchers in using Web-based surveys for data collection, this timely volume summarizes the experiences of leading behavioral and social scientists from Europe and the US who collected data using the Internet. Some chapters present theory, methodology, design, and implementation, while others focus on best...
Tania Książka
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International Political Economy in the 21st Century

International Political Economy in the 21st Century

No approach to world affairs in the 21st century can afford to ignore the impact that processes of globalisation are having on governments, economies, cultures, and individuals. An understanding of the theories that underpin International Political Economy, and their practical applications, is therefore crucial to the study of international...
Tania Książka
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Seven Secrets of Confidence

Seven Secrets of Confidence


Autor: Steve Miller

Wydawnictwo: Hodder
ISBN: 9780755319534
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Psychologia
7 SECRETS OF CONFIDENCE is a no-nonsense, easy-to-use guide to overcoming your inner fears. Full of encouraging, step-by-step advice, this book is here to help you build your self-belief - learning to have confidence is at the heart of the Steve Miller brand. What sets Steve's book apart in this genre is that he has personally commissioned a survey...
Tania Książka
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Spowiedź jest spoko

Spowiedź jest spoko

To książka, jakiej jeszcze nie było: książka o spowiedzi dla młodzieży napisana językiem ludzi młodych! Tytuły rozdziałów mówią same za siebie: Z grochówką do hiphopowców, Pajęczyna w konfesjonale, Szalona miłość na literę B, Spowiedniczy pięciobój, Dodatki do sałatki... Tę książkę, pomocną w przygotowaniu się do dobrej spowiedzi, zawierającą...
Tania Książka
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New Techniques and Technologies in Mining

New Techniques and Technologies in Mining


Autor: Volodymyr Bondarenko

Wydawnictwo: Routledge
ISBN: 9780415598644
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Mining is the foremost source of minerals that all countries find essential for maintaining and improving their standards of living. Mined materials are needed to construct roads and hospitals, to build automobiles and houses, to make computers and satellites, to generate electricity, and to provide many other goods and services that consumers...
Tania Książka
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