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Usprawiedliwione kłamstwo we współczesnej etyce stosowanej

Usprawiedliwione kłamstwo we współczesnej etyce stosowanej

Kiedy można kłamać? Kiedy można kłamać w sposób usprawiedliwiony? Czy kłamstwo jest zawsze złe? Na takie pytania stara się odpowiedzieć prezentowana książka. Jest to filozoficzna analiza argumentów, które przedstawiali wielcy myśliciele, przemawiających za bądź przeciw moralnej dopuszczalności kłamstwa. Wskazana jest w niej rola definicji w...
Tania Książka
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Medical Sciences at a Glance

Medical Sciences at a Glance

This easy to use workbook covers all the basic sciences in clinical context, and includes the full range of question types used in medical school. It offers comprehensive advice on how to tackle tricky examinations, how to deal with question types from SAQs to essays, and will stimulate abstract skills like critical thinking and the ability to...
Tania Książka
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Handbook of Hydrogen Energy

Handbook of Hydrogen Energy


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: CRC Press Inc.
ISBN: 9781420054477
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Can hydrogen and electricity supply all of the world's energy needs? Handbook of Hydrogen Energy thoroughly explores the notion of a hydrogen economy and addresses this question. The handbook considers hydrogen and electricity as a permanent energy system and provides factual information based on science. The text focuses on a large cross section...
Tania Książka
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Gray's Atlas of Anatomy

Gray's Atlas of Anatomy

Gray's Atlas of Anatomy, the companion resource to the popular Gray's Anatomy for Students, presents a vivid, visual depiction of anatomical structures. Newly updated with a wealth of material to facilitate study, this medical textbook demonstrates the correlation of structures with appropriate clinical images and surface anatomy - essential for...
Tania Książka
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Handbook of Alternative Fuel Technologies

Handbook of Alternative Fuel Technologies

While strides are being made in the research and development of environmentally acceptable and more sustainable alternative fuels-including efforts to reduce emissions of air pollutants associated with combustion processes from electric power generation and vehicular transportation-fossil fuel resources are limited and may soon be on the verge of...
Tania Książka
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Primer on Radiation Biology

Primer on Radiation Biology

This book provides a thorough yet concise introduction to quantitative radiobiology and radiation physics, particularly the practical and medical application. Beginning with a discussion of the basic science of radiobiology, the book explains the fast processes that initiate damage in irradiated tissue and the kinetic patterns in which such damage...
Tania Książka
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