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Catastrophic Politics

Catastrophic Politics

Shocking moments in society create an extraordinary political environment that permits political and opinion changes that are unlikely during times of normal politics. Strong emotions felt by the public during catastrophes - even if experienced only vicariously through media coverage - are a powerful motivator of public opinion and activism. This...
Tania Książka
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Babilońska literatura mądrości

Babilońska literatura mądrości

Omówienie i prezentacja tekstów tłumaczonych z języka akadyjskiego. Na wybór składają się utwory o różnej wadze gatunkowej: od traktatów, pouczeń i przestróg moralnych przez dysputy po bajki i humoreski...
Tania Książka
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Optical Nanoscopy and Novel Microscopy Techniques

Optical Nanoscopy and Novel Microscopy Techniques


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: CRC Press Inc.
ISBN: 9781466586291
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Microscopy is at the forefront of multidisciplinary research. It was developed by physicists, made specific by chemists, and applied by biologists and doctors to better understand how the human body works. For this very reason, the field has been revolutionized in past decades. The objective of Optical Nanoscopy and Novel Microscopy Techniques is...
Tania Książka
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Dzieci królestwa

Dzieci królestwa

Najlepszy biblijny kaznodzieja wśród polskich biskupów! Rozchwytywany rekolekcjonista wraca z kolejną książką zrodzoną ze słuchania Słowa. W znanych, zdawałoby się, fragmentach Pisma Świętego, ukazuje niedostrzegalne dotąd treści. Królestwo Boże - to nie odległa i niedostępna rzeczywistość z innej galaktyki. Choć nie jest z tego świata, realizuje...
Tania Książka
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Saints and Sinners

Saints and Sinners

This engrossing book encompasses the extraordinary history of the papacy, from its beginnings to the present day. This new edition covers the unprecedented resignation of Benedict XVI and the election of the first Argentinian pope. Praise for the earlier editions: "Duffy enlivens the long march through church history with anecdotes that bring the...
Tania Książka
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Year Book of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2014

Year Book of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2014

The Year Book of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine brings you abstracts of the articles that reported the year's breakthrough developments in pathology and laboratory medicine, carefully selected from more than 300 journals worldwide. Expert commentaries evaluate the clinical importance of each article and discuss its application to your practice....
Tania Książka
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