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Essentials of Digital Signal Processing

Essentials of Digital Signal Processing

This textbook offers a fresh approach to digital signal processing (DSP) that combines heuristic reasoning and physical appreciation with sound mathematical methods to illuminate DSP concepts and practices. It uses metaphors, analogies and creative explanations, along with examples and exercises to provide deep and intuitive insights into DSP...
Tania Książka
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Understanding Antiepileptic Drugs

Understanding Antiepileptic Drugs

Understanding Antiepileptic Drugs enhances patient knowledge and to acts as a facilitator to fill a significant gap in patient-physician communication in the field of epilepsy. There are several studies which show evidence that compliance in taking medication is absolutely crucial for successful medical treatment. A precondition for compliance, in...
Tania Książka
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Neuro-Oncology: The Essentials

Neuro-Oncology: The Essentials

Neuro-Oncology: The Essentials, Third Edition, is a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental science and core clinical concepts behind the successful multidisciplinary management of patients with brain and spine tumors. Among the updates to this new edition are eight new chapter topics, including: Endoscopic Approaches, Pediatric...
Tania Książka
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Diseases of the External Ear

Diseases of the External Ear

This book is a practical guide to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the external ear (pinna). Beginning with an overview of the embryology, anatomy and physiology, the following chapters discuss different disorders including congenital anomalies, trauma, inflammation and lesions. Presented in an easy to follow format, the book offers step...
Tania Książka
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Practical and user-friendly, this is the ideal guide to the diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis, helping you navigate a logical management pathway through a complex maze of possibilities. Psoriasis is a cruel disease that can seriously affect the sufferer's quality and length of life. It is also highly idiosyncratic, with features that vary...
Tania Książka
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Cudowne znaki i święte życie

Cudowne znaki i święte życie


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Esprit
ISBN: 9788363621056
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Nauki teologiczne
/ Poszczególne religie, wyznania
Miliony ludzi we Włoszech i na całym świecie uważają, że Bóg przemówił w naszych czasach przez Natuzzę Evolo, mistyczkę z Kalabrii. Pan postanowił obdarzyć tę prostą kobietę, analfabetkę, niezwykłymi łaskami i charyzmatami: darem bilokacji, stygmatów, znajomością języków obcych, których nigdy się nie uczyła, czy zdolnością zwaną "oświeceniem...
Tania Książka
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