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Theory and Practice of Paradiplomacy

Theory and Practice of Paradiplomacy

This book examines and systematises the theoretical dimensions of paradiplomacy - the role of subnational governments in international relations. Throughout the world, subnational governments play an active role in international relations by participating in international trade, cultural missions and diplomatic relations with foreign powers. These...
Tania Książka
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Atlas of Gross Neuropathology Book and Online Bundle

Atlas of Gross Neuropathology Book and Online Bundle

This comprehensive atlas presents over four hundred gross neuropathology images from post-mortem tissues, collected at autopsy over a period of thirty years. Covering neoplastic and non-neoplastic pathology of both adult and paediatric brain, spinal cord and spine disease, it offers unparalleled access to the entire central nervous system....
Tania Książka
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Water Scarcity, Livelihoods and Food Security

Water Scarcity, Livelihoods and Food Security


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Routledge
ISBN: 9780415728478
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
This volume reviews the evolution of ten years' learning and discovery about water scarcity, livelihoods, and food security within the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food. It draws on the experiences of over 100 projects conducted in ten river basins in the developing world. The book describes how the program's design evolved from an emphasis...
Tania Książka
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Famine Politics in Maoist China and the Soviet Union

Famine Politics in Maoist China and the Soviet Union

During the twentieth century, 80 percent of all famine victims worldwide died in China and the Soviet Union. In this rigorous and thoughtful study, Felix Wemheuer analyzes the historical and political roots of these socialist-era famines, in which overambitious industrial programs endorsed by Stalin and Mao Zedong created greater disasters than...
Tania Książka
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Spójrz nowymi oczyma

Spójrz nowymi oczyma

Książka o Bogu. Nie o ludziach czy wyznaniach religijnych, które twierdzą że reprezentują Boga, ale o Nim. Okazuje się, że Bóg jest dokładnie taki, jak oczekiwaliśmy. Niesamowicie piękny. Ale musisz zamknąć oczy i otworzyć swoje serce, by Go zobaczyć. Zamknij oczy na paskudne obrazy boskości, tak bardzo rozpowszechniane na całym świecie i otwórz...
Tania Książka
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Introduction to Population Pharmacokinetic / Pharmacodynamic Analysis with Nonlinear Mixed Effects M

Introduction to Population Pharmacokinetic / Pharmacodynamic Analysis with Nonlinear Mixed Effects M

Providing a user-friendly, hands-on introduction to the most powerful tool for population PK/PD models, Introduction to Population PK/PD Analysis with Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models introduces the reader to the NONMEM system, a powerful tool for pharmacokinetic / pharmacodynamic analysis. This useful guide helps pharmaceutical scientists and...
Tania Książka
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