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Listy 1932-1939. Tom 3

Listy 1932-1939. Tom 3

Trzeci tom listów Anny i Jarosława Iwaszkiewiczów z lat 1932-1939. W 1932 r. Iwaszkiewicz objął, na dwa i pół roku, stanowisko sekretarza Poselstwa Polskiego w Danii. Obszerna korespondencja z tego okresu ukazuje z jednej strony panoramę kulturalnego i towarzyskiego życia Kopenhagi lat 30. widzianej oczami pisarza, z drugiej - codzienne życie...
Tania Książka
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Brandos smile

Brandos smile

When people think about Marlon Brando, they think of the film star, the hunk and the scandals. Susan L. Mizruchi finds the Brando others have missed: the man who collected four thousand books; the man who rewrote scripts, trimming his lines to make them sharper; the man who consciously used his body and employed the objects around him to create...
Tania Książka
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A Blink of the Screen

A Blink of the Screen


Autor: Terry Pratchett

Wydawnictwo: Corgi books
ISBN: 9780552163330
Kategoria: Literatura faktu, reportaż
/ Biografie
In the four decades since his first book appeared in print, Terry Pratchett has become one of the world's best-selling and best-loved authors. Here for the first time are his short stories and other short form fiction collected into one volume. "A Blink of the Screen" charts the course of Pratchett's long writing career: from his schooldays through...
Tania Książka
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Anatomy of an Actor: Meryl Streep

Anatomy of an Actor: Meryl Streep

One of the most talented actresses of her generation, Meryl Streep provides a high benchmark by which others are measured. In films as diverse as The Deer Hunter (1978), Kramer vs. Kramer (1979), Mamma Mia (2008) and her Oscar-winning turn as Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady (2010), Streep has never failed to astound audiences with her ability to...
Tania Książka
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Gordon Welchman

Gordon Welchman

'A magnificent biography which finally provides recognition to one of Bletchley's and Britain's lost heroes.' Michael Smith The Official Secrets Act and the passing of time have prevented the Bletchley Park story from being told by many of its key participants. Here at last is a book which allows some of them to speak for the first time. Gordon...
Tania Książka
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Freddie Mercury

Freddie Mercury


Autor: Sean O'Hagan

Wydawnictwo: Goodman
ISBN: 9781847960085
Kategoria: Literatura faktu, reportaż
/ Biografie
Freddie Mercury is a man who needs no introduction. Queen are still globally famous, Freddie was the face of the band for 20 years and this lavish book celebrates him as one of the key players in the makeup of the influential British music scene. The great man's life is lovingly and painstakingly recounted in pictures and insightful text. Famed as...
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