C.S. Lewis jest powszechnie znany jako powieściopisarz, autor popularnego cyklu "Opowieści z Narnii". Ale był on także słynnym konwertytą, który w niezwykle przekonujący sposób przedstawiał istotę i najważniejsze prawdy chrześcijaństwa. Opowiedziana w tej książce historia życia C.S. Lewisa jest nie tyle chronologicznym zestawieniem faktów z jego...
Squirm-inducing, excruciatingly honest and painfully funny. We all went to school with friends who've turned out more successful than ourselves. But they don't all phone from improbably glamorous places and drive us mad by telling us about it. And they're not all Bono. Neil McCormick always dreamed of life as a rock star. Instead, he had to watch...
The power and prestige of music in the modern world has given its practitioners extraordinary wealth and moral authority. This is taken for granted now and yet for much of Europe#8217;s history musicians have been mere servants. The rise of music and musicians in the West is the subject of Tim Blanning#8217;s fascinating new book, from poorly-paid...
Między luksusem a biedą, różnymi kulturami i kontynentami... - Khadra Sufi w poruszający i zabawny sposób opowiada o swoim pełnym sprzeczności życiu: bezpiecznym i otoczonym przywilejami dzieciństwie córki dyplomaty w byłym NRD, walce o przetrwanie podczas wojny domowej w Somalii, codzienności pozbawionego środków do życia uchodźcy na zachodzie...
Few cities can compete with Montréal's mouth-watering mix of food, festivals and fun-centric living. This bohemian, culture-loving city has many virtues, not least of which is its uncanny ability to astonish. - 152 hand-picked restaurants, 143 shops to explore, 37 museums and art-lovers? galleries, 22 live-music venues and 7 exciting neighborhood...
This book brings together a collection of photographs and commentary celebrating Elizabeth Taylor's timeless sense of style, both on-screen and off, which ran the gamut from her high glamour Hollywood gowns and jewelry to her extraordinary earthy beauty which transcended every embellishment of fashion. She was a star who was both idolized as a...
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