Ousselin sets out to show that Europe is essentially a literary fiction and that the ongoing European unity movement cannot be understood without reference to the literary works that helped bring it about....
From 1888 to 1892 W.B.Yeats contributed a series of essays on literature and Irish folklore to two American newspapers, the Boston Pilot and Providence Sunday Journal. These important but little-known pieces show his intense engagement with current books, plays, personalities and controversies. They also make major statements about the issues of...
Choroby alergiczne są jednym z najważniejszych problemów medycyny XXI w. Badania epidemiologiczne prowadzone w krajach wysoko rozwiniętych wskazują na stale zwiększającą się liczbę chorych na atopowe zapalenie skóry. Nowość wydawnicza pt. Atopowe zapalenie skóry pod red. Wojciecha Silnego to nowoczesny, wyczerpujący
i praktyczny podręcznik, który...
They have wielded enormous financial power and dominated world politics for more than half a century. They have been appointed to positions of great power and have been elected as governors, congressmen, senators and presidents. They have shaped our past and, with our country at war under the leadership of their number one son, they are, more...
Is your workspace just a desk - or a wellspring of creativity that houses your inner muse? Is it just a room - or a borderless arena that motivates you to perform at your best? Whether you are a designer or programmer, a master artist or a manager, this guide offers advice on creating an inspired workspace. This book features design advice that is...
101 Landmarks of Contemporary Polish Architecture is a subjective selection of the most interesting building constructed after 2000.
It featues designs from over 70 renowned Polish and international architectural studios....
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