On the morning of November 7, 1938, Herschel Grynszpan, a desperate seventeen-year-old Jewish refugee, walked into the German embassy in Paris and shot Ernst vom Rath, a Nazi diplomat. Two days later vom Rath lay dead, and the Third Reich exploited the murder to unleash Kristallnacht in a bizarre concatenation of events that would rapidly involve...
This book provides a rounded biography of Franz (later Sir Francis) Simon, his early life in Germany, his move to Oxford in 1933, and his experimental contributions to low temperature physics approximating absolute zero. After 1939 he switched his research to nuclear physics, and is credited with solving the problem of uranium isotope separation by...
Inspector Kurt Wallander is home from an idyllic holiday in Rome, full of energy and plans for the future. But when he investigates the disappearence of an elderly birdwatcher he discovers a gruesome and meticulously planned murder - a body impaled in a trap of sharpened bamboo poles. Then another man is reported missing. And once again Wallander's...
Rozmówki stanowią doraźną pomoc językową dla osób wyjeżdżających na Litwę. Zawierają podstawowy zasób pytań, odpowiedzi, zwrotów i wyrażeń umożliwiających porozumiewanie się w elementarnym zakresie w typowych sytuacjach związanych z wyjazdem i pobytem na Litwie....
An indispensable survival guide for high-net-worth individuals and their advisors If you're like most high-net-worth individuals nowadays, you are underinsured, over-targeted in litigation, and dangerously exposed to risks that can profoundly jeopardize your lifestyle and rob you and your family of what they've worked so hard to achieve. Don't...
Computational and high-throughput methods, such as genomics, proteomics, and transcriptomics, known collectively as "-omics," have been used to study plant biology for well over a decade now. As these technologies mature, plant and crop scientists have started using these methods to improve crop varieties. Omics in Plant Breeding provides a timely...
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