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Communicating: A Social and Career Focus

Communicating: A Social and Career Focus

Offering comprehensive, balanced coverage of basic communication theory, interpersonal and group communication and public speaking skills, Berko has been a solid player in the hybrid market for the past 30 years. The text maintains a growing customer base of loyal users who have consistently recognised Berko as the best text in the market to truly...
Tania Książka
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Das Haus am Potomac

Das Haus am Potomac


Autor: Mary Higgins Clark

Wydawnictwo: Pavillon
ISBN: 3453871030
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Die junge erfolgreiche Fernsehjournalistin Patricia Traymore will dem Trauma ihrer Kindheit, das sie immer noch schwer belastet, endlich auf die Spur kommen. Ihre Eltern waren damals gewaltsam zu Tode gekommen, und sie weiß, dass sie nur in dem Haus, in dem sie starben, die Wahrheit herausfinden kann, die sie tief in ihrem Unterbewußtsein erahnt....
Tania Książka
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Hunted (House of Night)

Hunted (House of Night)


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Atom
ISBN: 9781905654574
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
'The door closed with a sickening thud of finality, shutting my friends out and leaving me alone with my enemy, a fallen angel, and the monstrous bird creature his ancient lust had created. Then I did something I'd only done twice before in my life. I fainted.' It's all happening, though Zoey Redbird wishes it wasn't. She has her friends back,...
Tania Książka
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Marx Brothers

Marx Brothers


Autor: Paul Duncan

Wydawnictwo: Taschen
ISBN: 9783822822197
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
"Zadziwiającą rzeczą, jeśli chodzi o ten film, jest to, że udało mi się nie oszaleć" - powiedział reżyser Leo McCarey o pracy z obłędnymi braćmi Marx przy "Kaczej Zupie" ("Duck Soup"; 1933). Postrzelone, wariackie błazeństwa w wykonaniu Groucho, Chico, Harpo i (czasami) Zeppo do łez rozczuliły publiczność w takich ich filamach, jak "A Night at the...
Tania Książka
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Metallofoldamers are oligomers that fold into three-dimensional structures in a controlled manner upon coordination with metal ions. Molecules in this class have shown an impressive ability to form single-handed helical structures and other three-dimensional architectures. Several metallofoldamers have been applied as sensors due to their selective...
Tania Książka
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Globalization and Diversity

Globalization and Diversity

This exciting contemporary approach to World Regional Geography introduces the latest ideas, concepts, and theories in geography while also developing a strong foundation in the fundamentals of world regions. It helps professors convey a strong sense of place and an understanding of the connections within and between world regions. Globalization...
Tania Książka
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