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Autor: Robert Wicks

Wydawnictwo: Oneworld
ISBN: 9781851687572
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Often quoted yet highly divisive, Nietzsche remains an enigma long after his death. This clear primer moves deftly through the controversy to examine the philosopher's work in the context of his tumultuous childhood and Christian upbringing. Discussing his infamous declaration that God is dead, his posthumous association with Nazism, and his...
Tania Książka
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Introduction to Astronomical Spectroscopy

Introduction to Astronomical Spectroscopy

Spectroscopy is the principal tool used in astronomy to investigate the Universe beyond Earth's atmosphere. Through the analysis of electromagnetic radiation, spectrographs enable observers to assess the chemical composition, kinematics and local physical properties of distant stars, nebulae and galaxies. Thoroughly illustrated and clearly written,...
Tania Książka
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Politics of Good Intentions

Politics of Good Intentions

Tony Blair has often said that he wishes history to judge the great political controversies of the early twenty-first century--above all, the actions he has undertaken in alliance with George W. Bush. This book is the first attempt to fulfill that wish, using the long history of the modern state to put the events of recent years--the war on terror,...
Tania Książka
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Contemporary Ceramics

Contemporary Ceramics


Autor: Emmanuel Cooper

Wydawnictwo: Thames Hudson LTD
ISBN: 9780500514870
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
A comprehensive worldwide survey, with over 600 stunning illustrations, of the most distinctive, intensely creative and innovative recent work, ranging from functional objects to the boundaries and possibilities of clay as a medium. Recently, all areas of ceramic practice have been revitalized and the gulf that traditionally existed between the...
Tania Książka
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Autor: Richard Prior

Wydawnictwo: Quiller Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 9781846890772
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Solutions to deer management and conservation problems Written by a leading authority on deer and author of "Deer Watch, Roe Deer, " and "Humble Pie" Deer give rise to many problems, whether in management and conservation, their annoying habit of eating trees and garden plants, or the practical details of deerstalking. The book is divided into...
Tania Książka
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Germanica Wratislaviensia. 132 Redundanzmechanismen im Deutschen an ausgewählten Beispielen aus der Phonetik und aus der Morphologie

Germanica Wratislaviensia. 132 Redundanzmechanismen im Deutschen an ausgewählten Beispielen aus der Phonetik und aus der Morphologie

Niemieckojęzyczna monografia Redundanzmechanismen im Deutschen an ausgewählten Beispielen aus der Phonetik und aus der Morphologie (Mechanizmy redundancji w języku niemieckim na wybranych przykładach z fonetyki i morfologii)Artura Tworka to kolejna (132) pozycja ukazująca się w serii Germanica Wratislaviensia. Autor podjął w niej niezwykle ważny...
Tania Książka
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