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Advances in Cryogenic Engineering vol.53A/B

Advances in Cryogenic Engineering vol.53A/B


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: American Institute of Physics
ISBN: 9780735405042
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
All papers have been peer-reviewed. This conference is the principal North American Conference on cryogenic engineering. It is attended by scientists and engineers from all over the world. The papers published here have been fully refereed and cover all aspects of cryogenic engineering including: refrigeration, superconductivity, cryocoolers, air...
Tania Książka
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Prime Movers of Globalization

Prime Movers of Globalization

The many books on globalization published over the past few years range from claims that the world is flat to an unlikely rehabilitation of Genghis Khan as a pioneer of global commerce. Missing from these accounts is a consideration of the technologies behind the creation of the globalized economy. What makes it possible for us to move billions of...
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Sounds Good on Paper

Sounds Good on Paper


Autor: R Horberry

Wydawnictwo: AC Black
ISBN: 9781408122310
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Figures of speech are everywhere. Popstar or postman, president or paperboy, the chances are you've already used a whole heap of them today without realising it. For business writers, they're pure gold. They make our words more powerful, persuasive and poetic. They add flavour to dreary standard issue language. They help us get our message across...
Tania Książka
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Stick Man's First Words

Stick Man's First Words


Autor: Julia Donaldson

Wydawnictwo: Scholastic
ISBN: 9781407137353
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
This sturdy, colourful board book is the ideal way to introduce babies and toddlers to their first words. Since its publication in September 2008, the story of Stick Man's courageous journey bac to his family tree has captured the imagination of hundreds ofhousands of children. Now Stick Man is back, to help his youngest fans learn their first...
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The Host

The Host


Autor: Stephenie Meyer

Wydawnictwo: Sphere
ISBN: 9781847441843
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Orson Scott Card, author of The Ender Saga Stephenie Meyer is an amazing phenomenon--out of the brightness of her mind and spirit comes the illuminated darkness of her stories. For no matter how much pain her characters suffer, Meyer infuses the tales with light and hope. Katherine Neville, author of The Eight A fascinating, passionate, and...
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Forced Displacement

Forced Displacement


Autor: Katarzyna Grabska

Wydawnictwo: Palgrave Macmillan
ISBN: 9780230522251
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Uprootedness, exile and forced displacement, be they due to conflict, persecution or even so-called 'development', are conditions which characterise the lives of millions of people across the globe. While the international community has largely been concerned with refugees crossing borders to flee persecution, violence, impoverishment and brutal...
Tania Książka
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