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Secret Gratitude Book

Secret Gratitude Book


Autor: Rhonda Byrne

Wydawnictwo: Beyond Words Publishing
ISBN: 9781582702087
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
"The Secret" is an international phenomenon that has inspired millions of people to live extraordinary lives. Now "The Secret Gratitude Book" provides an incredibly powerful tool to live The Secret, and to bring joy and harmony to every aspect of your life. Filled with insights and wisdom from Rhonda Byrne, this beautiful journal offers a framework...
Tania Książka
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Transformation (Books of Magic)

Transformation (Books of Magic)


Autor: John Ney Rieber

Wydawnictwo: Vertigo
ISBN: 9781563894176
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
The son of a manipulative sorceress and a mystical falconer, Tim Hunter is destined to become the most powerful mage in the world. But as the young Londoner comes to terms with his abilities and future, he must deal with demons and wizards looking to claim his power. In the fourth volume of this enrapturing series, Tim's magical adventures continue...
Tania Książka
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Bucoliques. Georgiques (2980)

Bucoliques. Georgiques (2980)


Autor: Virgile

Wydawnictwo: Gallimard
ISBN: 2070394484
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Les quarante pages de la préface et un dossier (p. 297-350) servent d'appoint intellectuel aux deux magnifiques traductions, la premiere en alexandrins sans rimes de Valéry, la seconde également en alexandrins plus les rimes....
Tania Książka
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Exploring the Unexplained

Exploring the Unexplained


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: TimeIncorporated Home Entertainment
ISBN: 9781933405162
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
This richly illustrated volume will take readers on a marvellous journey into the unknown. From Bigfoot to the Bermuda Triangle, aliens to yetis, dowsing to the "Da Vinci Code", telepathy to "Crossing Over", "Time" will separate truth from rumour and fact from fantasy: The book includes new scientific reports from worlds we are only beginning to...
Tania Książka
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Bridal Jewellery

Bridal Jewellery


Autor: Clare Yarwood-White

Wydawnictwo: Black Book
ISBN: 9780713675993
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Bridal jewellery is, for many women, the most cherished jewellery they will ever own, linked to one of the most emotionally-charged chapters of their lives. This handbook provides an insight into the unique world of catering to this market, guiding the reader through the process of consulting, designing and making. Set out in the easy to follow...
Tania Książka
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Promethea: Book 5

Promethea: Book 5


Autor: Alan Moore

Wydawnictwo: AMERICA'S
ISBN: 9781401206208
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Comics narrate the story of university student Sophie Bangs as she fights mystical places and spirits to unveil the truth behind mythical warrior woman, Promethea....
Tania Książka
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