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Women and Problem Gambling

Women and Problem Gambling


Autor: Liz Karter

Wydawnictwo: Routledge
ISBN: 9780415686372
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Addiction is much misunderstood. Women and addictive gambling even more so, and for many years women have suffered in silence. This book explores how lonely, troubled lives and damaging relationships lead to the trap of problem gambling, the anxiety and chaos whilst locked inside, and then offers realistic hope of a way out. With the significant...
Tania Książka
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Death on the Nile

Death on the Nile


Autor: Agatha Christie

Wydawnictwo: Harper Collins
ISBN: 0007119321
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
The tranquillity of a cruise along the Nile was shattered by the discovery that Linnet Ridgeway had been shot through the head. She was young, stylish and beautiful. A girl who had everything ? until she lost her life. Hercule Poirot recalled an earlier outburst by a fellow passenger: ?I?d like to put my dear little pistol against her head and...
Tania Książka
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Beyond Bruce Lee

Beyond Bruce Lee


Autor: Paul Bowman

Wydawnictwo: Columbia University Press
ISBN: 9780231165297
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
In order to understand Bruce Lee, we must look beyond Bruce Lee to the artist's intricate cultural and historical contexts. This work begins by contextualising Lee, examining his films and martial arts work, and his changing cultural status within different times and places. The text examines Bruce Lee's films and philosophy in relation to the...
Tania Książka
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Declaring His Genius

Declaring His Genius


Autor: Roy Morris

Wydawnictwo: Harvard University Press
ISBN: 9780674066960
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Arriving at the port of New York in 1882, a 27-year-old Oscar Wilde quipped he had "nothing to declare but my genius." But as Roy Morris, Jr., reveals in this sparkling narrative, Wilde was, for the first time in his life, underselling himself. A chronicle of the sensation that was Wilde's eleven-month speaking tour of America, Declaring His Genius...
Tania Książka
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Visual Guide to Options

Visual Guide to Options


Autor: Jared Levy

Wydawnictwo: John Wiley Sons
ISBN: 9781118196663
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
The practical, visual guide to the complex world of options investing loaded with tactics and tips for market success Options provide a diverse, strategic, advantaged approach to trading that can significantly limit the overall risks of a trade or yield additional returns. For many people, investing in options seem so risky that they fail to...
Tania Książka
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I, Robot

I, Robot


Autor: Isaac Asimov

Wydawnictwo: Bantam Books
ISBN: 0553294385
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
The three laws of Robotics: 1) A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm, 2) A robot must obey orders givein to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law, 3) A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or...
Tania Książka
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