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From Current Algebra to Quantum Chromodynamics
Tania Książka
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Informationstechnik und Telekommunikationstechnik

Informationstechnik und Telekommunikationstechnik


Autor: H. Jansen

Wydawnictwo: Europa-Lehrmittel
ISBN: 9783808536254
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Praxisorientiertes Lehrbuch von den Grundlagen bis zur Anwendung für alle informations und telekommunikationstechnischen Berufe, insbesondere der ITBerufe.§Grundlagen (auch elektrotechnische), Digitaltechnik, Arbeitsplatzrechner, Übertragungsnetze, Netzknoten, Rechnerkommunikation, Melde und Signaltechnik, ITEndgeräte und Netzzugängegrundlagen...
Tania Książka
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Microbial Plant Pathogens-Detection and Disease Diagnosis

Microbial Plant Pathogens-Detection and Disease Diagnosis


Autor: P Narayanasamy

Wydawnictwo: Springer Verlag
ISBN: 9789048197682
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Microbial plant pathogens causing qualitative and quantitative losses in all corps are present not only in the infected plants, but also in the environmental comprising of soil, water and air. The vectors present in the environment spread the microbial pathogens to short and/or long distances. Detection of microbial pathogens rapidly and reliably...
Tania Książka
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LEGO Minifigures Character Encyclopedia

LEGO Minifigures Character Encyclopedia


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Penguin
ISBN: 9781409324621
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Get to know all the fantastic minifigures who populate the LEGO[registered] world. Go on the ultimate LEGO adventure in LEGO[registered] Minifigures Character Encyclopedia, with an exclusive minifigure. Meet every single LEGO Minifigure character, including Punk Rocker and Lawn Gnome as well as the DJ and the Pirate Captain. Inside you'll find...
Tania Książka
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Visual Contrast

Visual Contrast


Autor: Tim Rundle

Wydawnictwo: Ryland Peters Small
ISBN: 9781849753609
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
In Visual Contrast, Timothy Rundle reveals key techniques for styling your home by reworking what you already have. He looks at Shape, Colour, Placement and Personality and reveals how these seemingly abstract concepts are the stylist's essential tools, and the key to a beautiful, practical and individual home. Using dozens of examples of real-life...
Tania Książka
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My Under the Sea Sticker Activity Book

My Under the Sea Sticker Activity Book


Autor: praca zbiorowa

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
ISBN: 9781408190050
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Does an octopus really have eight legs and a clownfish no legs? You'll find out when you go under the sea with all the magical creatures that live there and have watery sticker fun as you go. Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting,...
Tania Książka
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