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The Godfather  MP3 Pack: Level 4

The Godfather MP3 Pack: Level 4


Autor: Mario Puzo

Wydawnictwo: Pearson Education
ISBN: 9781408294345
Kategoria: Audiobooki
Don Vito Corleone jest Ojcem Chrzestnym najbogatszej rodziny mafijnej w Nowym Jorku. Jego biznes oparty jest na strachu i zabójstwach. Syn Vito, Michael, chce wie#378;#263; spokojne #380;ycie poza rodzinnym interesem, który ma du#380;o wspólnego z sianiem strachu i zabójstwami. Michaelowi nie udaje si#281; jednak tego unikn#261;#263; ...
Tania Książka
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Picture of Dorian Gray  MP3 Pack: Level 4

Picture of Dorian Gray MP3 Pack: Level 4


Autor: Oscar Wilde

Wydawnictwo: Pearson Education
ISBN: 9781408289570
Kategoria: Audiobooki
Penguin Readers are written by specialist ELT authors. The language, vocabulary, style and content of every book is carefully graded to make sure it suits the learner's own language ability.Every Penguin Reader has a range of activities in the book and accompanying Factsheet to help increase comprehension and develop reading,...
Tania Książka
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Sense and Sensibility Book/CD Pack: Level 3

Sense and Sensibility Book/CD Pack: Level 3


Autor: Jane Austen

Wydawnictwo: Pearson Education
ISBN: 9781405879354
Kategoria: Audiobooki
Classic / British English Elinor and Marianne Dashwood are two very different sisters. Marianne loves excitement and always shows her feelings; Elinor is quiet and has more good sense. They both fall in love and both suffer broken hearts. Will they ever find the right man to love and marry?...
Tania Książka
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Robin Hood and MP3 Pack: Level 2

Robin Hood and MP3 Pack: Level 2


Autor: unknown unknown

Wydawnictwo: Pearson Education
ISBN: 9781408289488
Kategoria: Audiobooki
Wszyscy znaj#261; histori#281; Robin Hooda: grabi#322; bogatych i rozdawa#322; dobra ubogim; kocha#322; przygody i by#322; najlepszym #322;ucznikiem w Anglii; znienawidzony przez chciwego Szeryfa z Nottingham i kochany przez pi#281;kn#261; Lady Miriam. W tej ksi#261;#380;ce zebrane s#261; najbardziej znane przygody Robina. ...
Tania Książka
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The Mummy Book and MP3 Pack: Level 2

The Mummy Book and MP3 Pack: Level 2


Autor: David Levithan

Wydawnictwo: Pearson Education
ISBN: 9781408285138
Kategoria: Audiobooki
Egipt: Arcykap#322;an Umar#322;ych Imhotep po 3215 latach budzi si#281; z pó#322;snu i zaczyna zabija#263;. Evelyn jest pracownic#261; muzeum, Rick ndash; #380;o#322;nierzem. Czy ta dwójka mo#380;e wys#322;a#263; Ihmotepa z powrotem do #347;wiata umar#322;ych? I czy narodzi si#281; mi#281;dzy nimi uczucie? ...
Tania Książka
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Tales from Shakespeare Book/CD Pack Level 5 2e

Tales from Shakespeare Book/CD Pack Level 5 2e


Autor: C Lamb

Wydawnictwo: Penguin
ISBN: 9781405880176
Kategoria: Audiobooki
Penguin Readers are written by specialist ELT authors. The language, vocabulary, style and content of every book is carefully graded to make sure it suits the learner's own language ability. Every Penguin Reader has a range of activities in the book and accompanying Factsheet to help increase comprehension and develop reading,...
Tania Książka
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