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Język angielski. Matura Solutions. Elementary Workbook (+CD). Kurs przygotowujący do matury. Materiały pomocnicze - szkoła ponadgimnazjalny
Tania Książka
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Język angielski. You and Me. Pupil's Book. Klasa 1. Podręcznik - szkoła podstawowa

Język angielski. You and Me. Pupil's Book. Klasa 1. Podręcznik - szkoła podstawowa

"You and me" has benn widely researched in the classroom to ensyre that it is ideally suited to the needs of young learners. The wide variety of activities provide opportunities for chidren to personalize their learning by talking, writting and singing about themselves....
Tania Książka
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Headway New Upper-Int - 3rd Edition: Matura Workbook [Poland]

Headway New Upper-Int - 3rd Edition: Matura Workbook [Poland]


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0194715388
Kategoria: Książki do nauki języka obcego
The Upper-Intermediate level brought right up-to-date, with new topics, new features, and a revised syllabus which all aid real progress....
Tania Książka
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Język angielski. Cookie And Friends. Starter. Sześciolatki. Podręcznik - edukacja przedszkolna

Język angielski. Cookie And Friends. Starter. Sześciolatki. Podręcznik - edukacja przedszkolna

Ages: 3-5 years A three-level, story-based course with a rich package of teacher's resource materials. Overview: Cookie and Friends gives teachers everything they need to create lively, well-structured, and varied language classes while focussing on key areas of child development, such as motor-skills and personal awareness. Who is it...
Tania Książka
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New English File Beginner Class Audio CD

New English File Beginner Class Audio CD

With texts that make learners want to speak, plus the extra support that lower-level learners need, New English File Beginner is the course that gets students talking. It gives you full skills coverage, a clear focus on pronunciation, and authentic street interviews on the DVD. The highly popular Teacher's Site has extra lesson ideas and...
Tania Książka
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Happy Street. Activity Book

Happy Street. Activity Book

Happy Street is a two-level course for children starting English at the beginning of the school system...
Tania Książka
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