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Autor: Ruth Kinna

Wydawnictwo: Oneworld
ISBN: 9781851687176
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
In this clear and penetrating study, Ruth Kinna goes directly to the heart of this controversial ideology, explaining the influences that have shaped anarchism and the different tactics and strategies that have been used by anarchists throughout history to achieve their ends. Kinna covers themes both historical and acutely contemporary, including:...
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Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics


Autor: Alistair Rae

Wydawnictwo: Oneworld
ISBN: 9781851683697
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
From quarks to computing, this fascinating introduction covers every element of the quantum world in clear and accessible language. Drawing on a wealth of expertise to explain just what a fascinating field quantum physics is, Rae points out that it is not simply a maze of technical jargon and philosophical ideas, but a reality which affects our...
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Planet Earth

Planet Earth


Autor: John Gribbin

Wydawnictwo: Oneworld
ISBN: 9781851688289
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Historia
In this lively expedition into the origins, evolution, and workings of our planet, John Gribbin does what he does best: gathers 4.5 billion years of geological history and shares the best bits. Taking an astronomer's perspective, Gribbin follows Earth's development from its beginnings in cosmic gas and dust to the explosion of human life after the...
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Mafia and Organized Crime

Mafia and Organized Crime


Autor: James Finckenauer

Wydawnictwo: Oneworld
ISBN: 9781851685264
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Famous for being ruthless, cruel, and cool, the Mafia has always captured the darker side of the imagination. Here, James Finckenauer debunks the myths surrounding the Mafia to reveal the harsh realities of global organized crime from Japan to Russia to Colombia. Despite popular appeal, these incredibly complex organizations destabilize society on...
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Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery

Written by the world's leading experts and campaigners, Modern Slavery: A Beginner's Guide blends original research with shocking first-hand accounts from slaves themselves around the world to reveal the truth behind one of the worst humanitarian crises facing us today. Only a handful of slaves are reached and freed each year, but the authors...
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Autor: Robert M. Martin

Wydawnictwo: Oneworld
ISBN: 9781851687329
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Epistemology is the philosophical study of knowledge. Without knowledge, scientific enquiry is meaningless and we can't analyse the world around us. But what exactly is it and how do we obtain it? Should we trust our senses? When is belief knowledge? Presuming no prior experience of philosophy, Robert Martin covers everything in the topic from...
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