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Writing Contemporary History

Writing Contemporary History


Autor: Stefan Berger

Wydawnictwo: Arnold Publishers
ISBN: 9780340950005
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Historia
Writing Contemporary History brings together some of the world's most pre-eminent historians to discuss the core issues confronting students of contemporary history today. Tackling ten key questions of current historiographical debate, each chapter sets in parallel and in opposition the contributions of two scholars. Questions include: Does gender...
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Golden Silence

Golden Silence

When half-Greek, half-Scots private investigator Alex Mavros is asked to trace a missing teenager, an immigrant of the former Soviet Union, he doesn't see any connection with the recent plague of violent killings afflicting Athens. As his search plunges him deep into the intricate network of underground crime, he is confronted by a wall of...
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Teach Yourself Correct English

Teach Yourself Correct English


Autor: B. Phythian

Wydawnictwo: Arnold Publishers
ISBN: 9780340867860
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
This classic by Brian Phythian has been fully updated and simplified to make it accessible and relevant to today's readers. Never has the ability to express yourself well - in job interviews and presentations as well as in the writing of letters and reports - been more important. This book will help you to improve your ability to express yourself...
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Settling Accounts Return Engagemen

Settling Accounts Return Engagemen

It is 1939, and the world is overshadowed by the thunder-clouds of war, once again. In this alternate history twist the US fights while across the Pacific Japan is ready to fight again. Once again brother fights brother, friend against friend and the New World is ravaged by all the horrors of modern warfare. This is the first book in a new series...
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Augustus was the founder of the Roman Empire, adopted son of Julius Caesar, friend and later foe of Mark Antony, patron of Horace and Virgil. This autobiography tells his story from the assassination of Caesar, through his military, political and personal struggles to his final days as Emperor in everything but name....
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White Lightning

White Lightning

A motorcycle messenger goes into a small park in London to paint the words 'White Lightning' on the tank of his bike. This is the beginning of the novel. It is told over the space of a few months, recounting one man's whole life - his failures, his successes, his longing for peace and fulfilment, his loves and his tragedies....
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