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EBOOK Pacific Beach Serial Rapist Murders Volume 2

EBOOK Pacific Beach Serial Rapist Murders Volume 2


Autor: Tiffani Mae

Wydawnictwo: Lulu.com
ISBN: 9781312277625
Kategoria: Pozostałe
"e;Are you going to be a good little girl, and do as you're told to save your life, and the lives of your friends?"e; Cassie nodded quickly. She felt horrible that she had brought this man into their lives, if she could help it, she'd do anything she could to save their lives.  "e;Well, since you are the one who invited...
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EBOOK Pacific Beach Serial Rapist Murders Volume 4

EBOOK Pacific Beach Serial Rapist Murders Volume 4


Autor: Tiffani Mae

Wydawnictwo: Lulu.com
ISBN: 9781312310827
Kategoria: Pozostałe
"e;Thank you for not telling on me before."e; She said, walking over to him. He smiled, knowing he had won. She handed him his pills, and the glass of water on the table next to his bed. He swallowed them down, one at a time. She held his arm out, and slid the needle right into a vein. "e;Wait a minute."e; He protested, trying...
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EBOOK Pacific Beach Serial Rapist Murders

EBOOK Pacific Beach Serial Rapist Murders


Autor: Tiffani Mae

Wydawnictwo: Lulu.com
ISBN: 9781312276888
Kategoria: Pozostałe
"e;Billy, thank you again."e; She whispered, but in a harsh tone. "e;I'll text you when I get up and we'll go out tomorrow, now please go before someone sees you!"e;  Just as she got these words out of her mouth, she felt his hand go from her back to the back of her hair, at first, he lightly tugged, and she thought...
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EBOOK She Hunts Down the Worst of the Worst Offenders

EBOOK She Hunts Down the Worst of the Worst Offenders


Autor: Tiffani Mae

Wydawnictwo: Lulu.com
ISBN: 9781312378049
Kategoria: Pozostałe
How a normal call would go, would be the man would be drunk, or high, heavy breathing, and begging to just hear her. He didn't care what she was wearing, what she looked like, what she did for a living, he just wanted to hear her.  The woman on the other end though, had a much harder job. Their bosses are breathing down their neck to keep...
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EBOOK Couple Kidnaps Each Other's Spouses

EBOOK Couple Kidnaps Each Other's Spouses


Autor: Tiffani Mae

Wydawnictwo: Lulu.com
ISBN: 9781312344778
Kategoria: Pozostałe
I met my best friend in jail. Yep, me, in jail. I was 27 at the time, and she was just a few years older than me. Two woman, from 2 very different walks of life, ending up in the same horrible place.  My reason, my husband at the time wanted to experience another woman, yet keep my kids, and I was just in the way. So they set me up, and had me...
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EBOOK Ancestral Landscapes in Human Evolution: Culture, Childrearing and Social Wellbeing

EBOOK Ancestral Landscapes in Human Evolution: Culture, Childrearing and Social Wellbeing


Autor: Tiffani Mae

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199964260
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Culture, Childrearing and Social WellbeingThe social contexts in which children develop have transformed over recent decades, but also over millennia. Modern parenting practices have diverged greatly from ancestral practices, which included natural childbirth, extensive and on-demand breastfeeding, constant touch, responsiveness to the needs of the...
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