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EBOOK Theoretical Approaches to Disharmonic Word Order

EBOOK Theoretical Approaches to Disharmonic Word Order


Autor: Leo Angart

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780191507311
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This book considers whether any generalisations can be made about word order in language. The chapters, written by international scholars, draw on data from several 'disharmonic' and typologically distinct languages, including Mandarin Chinese, Basque, French, English, Hixkaryana (a Cariban language), Khalkha Mongolian, Uyghur...
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EBOOK Read Again without Glasses

EBOOK Read Again without Glasses


Autor: Leo Angart

Wydawnictwo: Crown Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781845909048
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Leo Angart is a business consultant, author and trainer. Having worn glasses for more than 25 years he writes from personal experience. It has now been more than 19 years since he threw away his glasses. In this follow up to Improve Your Eyesight Naturally, Leo concentrates on curing presbyopia, the inability to focus on near objects. He explains...
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