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Świąteczne wzorki do kolorowania

Świąteczne wzorki do kolorowania

Ta ciekawa książeczka zaprojektowana do kolorowania, jest najprawdopodobniej najwspanialszą i najpiękniejszą kolorowanką, jaką kiedykolwiek mieliście w swoim życiu!...
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Patterns to Colour

Patterns to Colour

This is a fantastic and irresistible book filled with rich patterns to colour in, giving hours and hours of creative fun. Many of the patterns come with suggested colour schemes but children are free to follow them as closely or as loosely as they please. It includes tips on matching colours and the different effects they create on the page to help...
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First Hundred Words in Hebrew

First Hundred Words in Hebrew

This title contains four new additions to the best-selling "First Hundred Words Language" series. These books are an excellent way to encourage language learning for beginners. Each book contains an online pronunciation guide through the Usborne Quicklinks website. With 100 everyday words combined with pictures, this is a valuable vocabulary...
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First Hundred Words in Arabic

First Hundred Words in Arabic

This title contains four new additions to the best-selling "First Hundred Words Language" series. These books are an excellent way to encourage language learning for beginners. Each book contains an online pronunciation guide through the Usborne Quicklinks website. With 100 everyday words combined with pictures, this is a valuable vocabulary...
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