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My Best Ever Christmas Activity Book

My Best Ever Christmas Activity Book


Autor: Jane Bull

Wydawnictwo: Dorling Kindersley
ISBN: 9781409375937
Kategoria: Książki dla dzieci i młodzieży
Bake, make and decorate this Christmas. "My Best Ever Christmas Activity Book" is a festive feast of funky gifts, tasty treats and yuletide projects, plus it has over 300 jolly Christmas stickers to play with! The ultimate bumper collection of Jane Bull Christmas projects, "My Best Ever Christmas Activity Book" is perfect for children who love to...
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Make It!

Make It!


Autor: Jane Bull

Wydawnictwo: Dorling Kindersley
ISBN: 9781409325772
Kategoria: Książki dla dzieci i młodzieży
Help your child turn trash into treasure with craft and activity expert Jane Bull. "Make It!" from activity expert Jane Bull, gets children re-using rubbish to create amazing things. Think about all the stuff we throw away every day, like plastic drink bottles and metal cans, magazines and even clothes; they can all be re-used. There's no need for...
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