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The Slave

The Slave

Jacob, a Jewish slave held in a mountain village after escaping a massacre by Cossacks, will be killed if he tries to escape. The one saving grace is his love for his master's daughter, Wanda. They begin a secret affair, trying to avoid the cruelty of the other villagers, until one day Jacob's fortunes unexpectedly change. Now he must choose...
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The Magician of Lublin

The Magician of Lublin

Yasha the magician - sword swallower, fire eater, acrobat and master of escape - is famed for his extraordinary Houdini-like skills. Half Jewish, half Gentile, a free thinker who slips easily between worlds, Yasha has an observant wife, a loyal assistant who travels with him and a woman in every town. Now, though, his exploits are catching up with...
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Opowiadania dla dzieci

Opowiadania dla dzieci

Nie wszystkim wiadomo, że zdobywca Nagrody Nobla w dziedzinie literatury dla dorosłych z powodzeniem pisał również dla dzieci. Doskonały zbiór mądrych, żydowskich opowieści poruszy wyobraźnią każdego wrażliwego dziecka. Singer także tutaj tworzy barwne historie pełne czaru, głębokiej mądrości, szacunku dla przyrody i respektu dla Boga. Pośród...
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It is Warsaw in the 1930s. Aaron Greidinger is an aspiring young writer and the son of a rabbi, who struggles to be true to his art when he is faced with the chance of riches and a passport to America. But as the Nazis threaten to invade Poland, Aaron rediscovers Shosha, his childhood sweetheart - still living on Krochmalna Street, still strangely...
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The Collected Stories

The Collected Stories


Autor: Isaac Bashevis Singer

Wydawnictwo: Penguin
ISBN: 9780141196770
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Isaac Bashevis Singer's work explores humanity in all of its guises. This collection of forty-seven short stories, selected by Singer himself from across the whole of his career, brings together the best of his writing. From the supernatural "Taibele and Her Demon" to the poignant "The Unseen", and from gentle humour in "Gimpel the Fool" to tragedy...
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Stories for Children

Stories for Children

Thirty-six stories by the Nobel Prize winner, including some of his most famous such as "Zlateh the Goat", "Mazel and Shlimazel", and "The Fools of Chelm and the Stupid Carp"....
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