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Queen of the World

Queen of the World


Autor: Hardman Robert

Wydawnictwo: Penguin Books
ISBN: 9781784759513
Kategoria: Pozostałe
On today's world stage, one leader stands apart. Queen Elizabeth II has seen more of the planet and its people than any other head of state, and has engaged with them like no other monarch in British history. Since her coronation, she has visited over 130 countries across the ever-changing globe, acting as diplomat, stateswoman, pioneer and...
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Queen of the World

Queen of the World


Autor: Hardman Robert

Wydawnictwo: Century
ISBN: 9781780898193
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Written by the renowned royal biographer, Robert Hardman, and with privileged access to the Royal Family and the Royal Household, a brilliant new portrait of the most famous woman in the world and her place in it.On today's world stage, one leader stands apart. Queen Elizabeth II has seen more of the planet and its people than any other head of...
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