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Rough Guide to Cuba

Rough Guide to Cuba


Autor: Fiona McAuslan

Wydawnictwo: Rough Guide
ISBN: 9781848365070
Kategoria: Podróże, mapy, przewodniki
The popular image of Cuba as a tourist destination has fluctuated wildly over the years, and there is no question that this fascinating corner of the globe has enjoyed visitors of wildly disparate expectations -- from the hedonistic revellers of pre-Revolutionary Cuba (when it was essentially America's playground) to the many travellers who have...
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The Rough Guide to Cuba

The Rough Guide to Cuba


Autor: Fiona McAuslan

Wydawnictwo: Rough Guide
ISBN: 9781409362791
Kategoria: Podróże, mapy, przewodniki
The Rough Guide to Cuba is the perfect guide for all your travels across the dazzling country of Cuba. Its maps and tips will lead you to the best hotels, bars, clubs, shops and restaurants in the country. Discover all of Cuba#39;s highlights with insider information ranging from Cuba#39;s diverse music, scuba diving and colonial architecture to...
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