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Home Fires

Home Fires

Max Weston, twenty-one, leaves for his first army posting in central Africa. What happens to him changes the lives of his family forever. At home, his parents struggle to cope. The overwhelming love Caroline has always felt for her only child is now matched by the intensity of Max's absence. The silence is broken by the arrival of Caroline's...
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EBOOK Home Fires

EBOOK Home Fires


Autor: Elizabeth Day

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781408832844
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Max Weston, twenty-one and a newly commissioned lance corporal, leaves home for his first posting in central Africa. Fiercely patriotic and completely at home in the army, he is eager to make a difference. He never comes back. His parents Caroline and Andrew are devastated by the death of their only child. The overwhelming love Caroline has always...
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EBOOK Scissors, Paper, Stone

EBOOK Scissors, Paper, Stone


Autor: Elizabeth Day

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781408808115
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Charles Redfern is in a coma. As he lies motionless in hospital, his wife Anne and daughter Charlotte are forced to come together to confront their relationships with him - and with each other.Anne, once regarded as beautiful and clever, has felt herself disappearing for years, paling beside her husband's harsh brilliance. Anxious to fit in...
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