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Niedaleko Waszyngtonu, w zalesionej okolicy na końcu żwirowej drogi, stoi mały domek  W tym miejscu FBI ma przesłuchać jednego z najważniejszych świadków, jakiego agencja miała do tej pory.  Faith Lockart ma do opowiedzenia niesamowitą historię. Niestety kilka niepowołanych osób wie o tajnym spotkaniu....
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Total Control

Total Control

Jason Archer is a rising young executive at Triton Global, the world's leading technology conglomerate. Determined to give his family the best of everything, he has secretly entered into a deadly game of cat and mouse. He is about to disappear - leaving behind a wife who must sort out his lies from his truths, an air-crash investigation team that...
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The Sixth Man

The Sixth Man


Autor: David Baldacci

Wydawnictwo: Pan Books
ISBN: 9780330535434
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
This is the new heart-racing thriller from the number one International bestselling author. After alleged serial killer Edgar Roy is apprehended and locked away in a mental facility private investigators Sean King and Michelle Maxwell are called in by Roy's lawyer - an old friend of Sean King - to look into the case. But their investigation is...
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Whole Truth

Whole Truth

Usually a sophisticated plotter, bestseller Baldacci (Absolute Power) offers a story line and villain on a par with an average James Bond film in what's billed as his first international thriller. Nicholas Creel, the head of the Ares Corporation, a huge defense contractor, hires a perception management firm to start a second cold war by planting...
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Hell's Corner

Hell's Corner


Autor: David Baldacci

Wydawnictwo: Macmillan
ISBN: 9780330535427
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Oliver Stone ? once the country?s most skilled assassin ? stands in front of the White House, perhaps for the last time. The president has personally requested that Stone serve his country again on a high-risk, covert mission. Though he?s fought for decades to leave his past career behind, Stone has no choice but to say yes. But Stone?s mission...
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Split Second

Split Second


Autor: David Baldacci

Wydawnictwo: Macmillan
ISBN: 0330411721
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
He was the only one in the room who could see it. His attention stayed there for one beat, two beats, three beats, far too long. Yet who could blame him for not being able to pull his gaze away from that? When something distracts Secrte Agent Sean King for a split second, it costs him his career and presidential candidate Clyde Ritter his life....
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