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The Village

The Village


Autor: Bunin Ivan

Wydawnictwo: Alma Books
ISBN: 9781847492838
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Ivan Bunin's first published work, The Village is a bleak and uncompromising portrayal of rural life in south-west Russia. Set at the time of the 1905 Revolution and centering on episodes in the lives of two peasant brothers - “characters sunk so far below the average of intelligence as to be scarcely human" - it reveals the pettiness, violence and...
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Dark Avenues

Dark Avenues


Autor: Bunin Ivan

Wydawnictwo: Alma Books
ISBN: 9781847494740
Kategoria: Pozostałe
One of the great achievements of twentieth-century Russian émigré literature, Dark Avenues - translated here for the first time into English in its entirety - took Bunin's poetic mastery of language to new heights.Written between 1938 and 1944 and set in the context of the Russian cultural and historical crises of the preceding decades, this...
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