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EBOOK Securing Livelihoods: Informal Economy Practices and Institutions

EBOOK Securing Livelihoods: Informal Economy Practices and Institutions


Autor: Baroness Orczy

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780191510656
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Informal Economy Practices and InstitutionsAnalyzes what people 'do for themselves' in the informal economy and how it relates to public policies, formal institutions, and broader socio-economic processes....
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EBOOK League Of The Scarlet Pimpernel

EBOOK League Of The Scarlet Pimpernel


Autor: Baroness Orczy

Wydawnictwo: House of Stratus
ISBN: 9780755127238
Kategoria: Pozostałe
More adventures amongst the terrors of revolutionary France. No one has uncovered the identity of the famous Scarlet Pimpernel - no one except his wife Marguerite and his arch-enemy, citizen Chauvelin. Sir Percy Blakeney is still at large however, evading capture!...
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EBOOK I Will Repay

EBOOK I Will Repay


Autor: Baroness Orczy

Wydawnictwo: House of Stratus
ISBN: 9780755127290
Kategoria: Pozostałe
It is Paris, 1793, the most seething time of the revolution. No one knew in the morning if his head would still be on his shoulders in the evening, or if it would be held up by citizen Samson the headsman, for the sans-culottes of Paris to see. However, the Scarlet Pimpernel, Sir Percy Blakeney, is still at large to rescue France's...
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EBOOK Way Of The Scarlet Pimpernel

EBOOK Way Of The Scarlet Pimpernel


Autor: Baroness Orczy

Wydawnictwo: House of Stratus
ISBN: 9780755147809
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The year is 1793, the darkest days of the French revolution, and little Charles-Leon is ill. The delicate son of Louise and Bastien de Croissy is recommended country air, but travel permits are needed - and impossible to come by. Louise's friend, Josette, believes she knows a way out. For Josette is convinced that her hero, the Scarlet...
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EBOOK Sir Percy Hits Back

EBOOK Sir Percy Hits Back


Autor: Baroness Orczy

Wydawnictwo: House of Stratus
ISBN: 9780755147779
Kategoria: Pozostałe
For young and pretty Fleurette the revolution seems far away, until an aristocratic neighbouring family is threatened. Now, the dangers are all too real, and she is also accused of being a traitor. Can her father save her? Fleurette's father is - ironically - Armand Chauvelin. For the first time the villainous agent is forced to ask his...
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EBOOK By The Gods Beloved

EBOOK By The Gods Beloved


Autor: Baroness Orczy

Wydawnictwo: House of Stratus
ISBN: 9780755126477
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Mark and Hugh are school friends. Mark has visited Hugh's house, whose father is an archaeologist and Egyptologist and where there is an odd museum, complete with mummies. One day, Mark receives word from his friend to 'Come at once if you can'. He finds Hugh has taken over his father's work and is in possession of a secret...
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