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EBOOK Shadow Hand (Tales of Goldstone Wood Book #6)

EBOOK Shadow Hand (Tales of Goldstone Wood Book #6)


Autor: Anne Elisabeth Stengl

Wydawnictwo: Baker Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781441263575
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This is a story about blood.And love.And the many things that lie between.By her father's wish, Lady Daylily is betrothed to the Prince of Southlands. Not the prince she loves, handsome and dispossessed Lionheart, but his cousin, the awkward and foolish Prince Foxbrush. As her wedding day dawns, Daylily flees into the dangerous Wilderlands,...
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EBOOK Moonblood (Tales of Goldstone Wood Book #3)

EBOOK Moonblood (Tales of Goldstone Wood Book #3)


Autor: Anne Elisabeth Stengl

Wydawnictwo: Baker Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781441214720
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A New Novel for Fantasy Readers Young and OldDesperate to regain the trust of his kingdom, Prince Lionheart reluctantly banishes his faithful servant and only friend, Rose Red. Now she is lost in the hidden realm of Arpiar, held captive by her evil goblin father, King Vahe.Vowing to redeem himself, Lionheart plunges into the mysterious Goldstone...
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EBOOK Heartless (Tales of Goldstone Wood Book #1)

EBOOK Heartless (Tales of Goldstone Wood Book #1)


Autor: Anne Elisabeth Stengl

Wydawnictwo: Baker Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781441212016
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Princess Una of Parumvir has come of age and will soon be married. She dreams of a handsome and charming prince, but when the first suitor arrives, she finds him stodgy and boring. Prince Aethelbald from the mysterious land of Farthestshore has traveled far to prove his love--and also to bring hushed warnings of danger. A dragon is rumored to be...
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EBOOK Starflower (Tales of Goldstone Wood Book #4)

EBOOK Starflower (Tales of Goldstone Wood Book #4)


Autor: Anne Elisabeth Stengl

Wydawnictwo: Baker Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781441260475
Kategoria: Pozostałe
"Readers will enjoy this romantic adventure story...akin to C.S. Lewis' Narnia series."--BooklistWhen a cursed dragon-witch kidnaps the lovely Lady Gleamdren, Eanrin sets boldly forth on a rescue mission...and a race against his rival for Gleamdren's favor. Intent upon his quest, the last thing the immortal Faerie needs is to...
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EBOOK Veiled Rose (Tales of Goldstone Wood Book #2)

EBOOK Veiled Rose (Tales of Goldstone Wood Book #2)


Autor: Anne Elisabeth Stengl

Wydawnictwo: Baker Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781441232410
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Rose Red trusts no one with her secret. She hides in the forest, her face veiled in rags, shunning the company of all save her old father and her nanny goat. Her life is bleak and lonely.Until she meets a privileged young man sent to spend his summer in the mountains. Leo, a lonely lad, befriends Rose Red, and together they begin hunting for the...
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EBOOK Dragonwitch (Tales of Goldstone Wood Book #5)

EBOOK Dragonwitch (Tales of Goldstone Wood Book #5)


Autor: Anne Elisabeth Stengl

Wydawnictwo: Baker Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781441261465
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A New Tale Is Added to this Christy Award-Winning Fantasy Saga!Submissive to her father's will, Lady Leta of Aiven travels far to meet a prospective husband she neither knows nor loves--Lord Alistair, future king of the North Country. But within the walls of Gaheris Castle, all is not right. Vicious night terrors plague Lord Alistair to the...
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