Window Functions and Their Applications in Signal Processing - K. M. M. Prabhu

Window Functions and Their Applications in Signal Processing

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Autor: K. M. M. Prabhu

Wydawnictwo: CRC Press Inc.
ISBN: 9781466515833
Format: ...
Oprawa: twarda
Stron: 404
Data wydania: 2013-10-01
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Window functions-otherwise known as weighting functions, tapering functions, or apodization functions-are mathematical functions that are zero-valued outside the chosen interval. They are well established as a vital part of digital signal processing. Window Functions and their Applications in Signal Processing presents an exhaustive and detailed account of window functions and their applications in signal processing, focusing on the areas of digital spectral analysis, design of FIR filters, pulse compression radar, and speech signal processing. Comprehensively reviewing previous research and recent developments, this book: Provides suggestions on how to choose a window function for particular applications Discusses Fourier analysis techniques and pitfalls in the computation of the DFT Introduces window functions in the continuous-time and discrete-time domains Considers two implementation strategies of window functions in the time- and frequency domain Explores well-known applications of window functions in the fields of radar, sonar, biomedical signal analysis, audio processing, and synthetic aperture radar "I think this book gives an excellent overview of window functions and their applications in a variety of DSP applications. It describes a huge amount of different windows and it describes the properties of these windows. It also describes the use of windows in a large number of applications. It helps the reader by choosing a proper window for a particular application. As far as I know it is the first general book about this important subject." -Ad van den Enden, DSP Consultancy "An excellent text that covers all aspect of window functions. A must for anyone with interest in utilising windows for signal processing." -Palaniappan Ramaswamy, University of Wolverhampton "A book dedicated to window functions was indeed missing. Congratulations on filling the void." -Professor Nadav Levanon, Department of Electrical Engineering Systems, Tel Aviv University, Israel.

Książka "Window Functions and Their Applications in Signal Processing"
K. M. M. Prabhu