This book features up-to-date guidance for conducting a successful MA for banks and financial institutions. The simmering economic climate since the financial crisis faces a front of new competition and sweeping regulatory reforms expected to drive the U.S. banking sector into consolidation in the next ten years. Capitalizing on the upcoming opportunities will take strategically focused preparation. The Art of Bank MA is the unprecedented guide to mastering the merger and acquisition of a bank and any other financial institution. MA transactions involving financial businesses take place in a framework of regulation, which makes them greatly different from those of commercial companies. The specialized coverage in this one-of-a-kind guide gives you an insider's interpretation of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, along with the most popular techniques and strategies used to shed and acquire financial entities within the regulation. Straightforward explanations and instructive examples from the real world reveal: major changes in banking law and unique considerations for bank holding companies; the why and how of bank MAs, including how banks achieve growth and value; how to value and validate financial businesses, including the basic steps for determining a price range to purchase a bank; trends in practices, controversy, and reporting for transborder bank MAs, including a convenient summary of inbound and outbound transaction regulations; where to find opportunity in distressed and insolvent banks. MA is the most powerful and risky weapon in financial strategy, and like other books in The Art of MA series, this latest title gives you everything you need to be savvy in the MA arena. To prepare for the coming surgein bank mergers and acquisitions, turn to the unmatched, sector-specific guidance in The Art of Bank MA. Whether you're a senior bank manager, a government regulator, or an individual investor, The Art of Bank MA covers everything you need to know about the unique economic structures of banks and financial institutions and the federal regulations they must operate within. Sweeping changes brought on by the Dodd-Frank Act as well as the new economic environment still emerging from the 2007-2009 financial crisis makes this timely guide a must-read for everyone involved in banking and MA. From valuing a business entity to post-merger integration, this conveniently organized guide walks you through every important step of a bank MA, including: the regulatory framework of bank mergers, and the strategies and standards driving the transaction; the reasons behind banks combining their resources,processes, and responsibilities through mergers; how to put a price on the value one financial entity brings to another; and how banks create value through synergy 250 critical questions on the minds of today's forward-thinking professionals. Even if you're not directly involved in MA transactions, this book provides both institutional and individual investors with useful information on the latest investment vehicles and strategies for making money on bank stocks. Before opportunity washes away, learn The Art of Bank MA.
Książka "The Art of Bank MA: Buying, Selling, Merging, and Investing in Regulated Financial Institutions in"
Heath P. Tarbert; Alexandra Reed Lajoux; Dennis J. Roberts
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