An unrivalled survey on the countries and territories of this immense region.
* Over 900 pages of in-depth analysis, up-to-date statistics and invaluable directory details
* Includes contributions from acknowledged authorities who examine topics of regional importance.
General Survey
* Thoroughly revised and updated analytical articles written by acknowledged experts covering issues of regional importance are examined by acknowledged authorities of the area, subjects covered include: Religion in 21st Century Latin America; Indigenous Peoples in Latin America in the 21st Century; The Geopolitics of Relations in North America: A Mexican Perspective; El Nińo: A Latin American Phenomenon? ; Combating Money-Laundering and Terrorist Financing in the Caribbean; Debt, Finance and the IMF; The Andean Regional Initiative; and Central America and 'El Norte': an Introduction to Latin American Politics.
Country Surveys
Individual chapters on each country and territory incorporating:
* An introductory survey, containing essays on the history and economy of each country, as well as physical and social geographies of each country, including maps
* An extensive economic and demographic survey of the latest available statistics on area and population, health and welfare, agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, industry, finance, trade, transport, tourism, communications media and education
* A full directory section with names, addresses, contact numbers and e-mail and internet addresses covering the constitution, government, legislature, judiciary, political organizations, diplomatic representation, religious groups, the media, finance, trade and industry, tourism, defence and education
* A select bibliography, containing suggestions for further research.
Regional Information
* Includes full details of all major international organizations active in the region; a detailed survey of major commodities in Latin America; a directory of research institutes specializing in the region; select bibliographies of books and periodicals and an index of regional organizations.
Książka "South America Central America Caribbean 2006"
Jacqueline West