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Readership: Medical students, trainee doctors, general practitioners,hospital specialists, clinical teachers, researchers, statisticians, public health doctors and others managing health care organisations, and all professions allied to medicine e.g. nurses, pharmacists, etc. |
Huw Llewelyn, Kettering General Hospital, Kettering, Northamptonshire, UK, Hock Aun Ang, Honorary Senior Lecturer in Medicine, Penang Medical College, Consultant Physician and Endocrinologist, Seberang Jaya Hospital, Penang, Malaysia, Keir E Lewis, Senior Lecturer in Respiratory Medicine, Clinical School, Swansea University, Honorary Consultant Physician, Carmarthenshire NHS Trust, UK, and Anees Al-Abdullah, General Practitioner, Kidwelly, Camarthenshire, UK Huw Llewelyn qualified in Medicine at the University of Wales in 1970. In 1975 he became senior registrar and lecturer in medicine and endocrinology at St Bartholomew's Hospital London. In 1979 hewas appointed Consultant Physician at King's College Hospital London. His MD was sponsored by the Nobel Laureate Sir James Black FRS and describes new theorems in probability theory that allow tests to be designed and assessed in a systematic way for differential diagnosis and identify patients who probably respond (or do not respo
Książka "Oxford Handbook of Clinical Diagnosis 2e"
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