I am a general dentist and an Academic Fellow in the American Academy of Oral Medicine based in the USA. A few weeks ago I was looking for 'new' textbooks on oral medicine. (It is somewhat of an addiction.) This one looked interesting, so I ordered a copy. I want you to know that I have found this to be the most useful textbook I have ever purchased on this subject. I love the way the material is arranged. It is up to date, easy to read, and gives just the right amount of information for a quick review. J. David Fisher, Jr. DDS One of the most prolific authors in his field, Professor Scully has revised and expanded the first edition of his prize-winning textbook. The intended outcomes for readers are clearly stated and range from systematic history taking to medical management, as well as recognising the importance of liaison with clinical colleagues in other disciplines. This is an excellent reference book and guide to diagnosis and management in oral medicine. I recommend it to undergraduates and postgraduates, both medical and dental, with an interest in this field. Gill Smith, Consultant in Oral Medicine, Glasgow Dental Hospital, UK, Oral Oncology 45, January 2009 It is easy to understand why the first edition of this book was the recipient of the First Prize of the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) and Society of Authors for a new authored book. If the RSM has a prize for second editions, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine is likely to take that honor as well. Unlike some books in this space, this does not deal with the dental management of medically compromised patients. Rather, it focuses in a most informative, comprehensive, organised and readable format on the assessment and treatment of the signs and symptoms of diseases of the mouth and its contiguous structures. While parts of the sectional organisation are traditional, some aspects are unique. For example, the first three chapters deal with three elements of diagnosis - history, examination and investigat
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Crispian Scully