EBOOK Theoretical frameworks in the study of press advertisements: Polish, English and Chinese persp - Adam Wojtaszek

EBOOK Theoretical frameworks in the study of press advertisements: Polish, English and Chinese persp

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Autor: Adam Wojtaszek

Wydawnictwo: Uniwersytet Śląski
ISBN: 9788360743423
EAN: B6509F23EB
Format: 0,0 x 0,0 x 0,0
Oprawa: ...
Stron: 283
Data wydania: 2011
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Książka stanowi próbę poszerzenia metodologii badań nad reklamami prasowymi poprzez wypracowanie nowych modeli analizy tego szczególnego typu obrazowo-tekstowego artefaktu oraz wykazanie ich zasadności i przydatności w oparciu o obszerny korpus przykładów zaczerpnięty z prasy polskiej, brytyjskiej i chińskiej. Praca podzielona jest na trzy rozdziały, z których pierwszy stanowi wprowadzenie teoretyczne oraz przegląd badań nad dyskursem reklamowym, natomiast dwa następne najpierw omawiają i poszerzają wybrane modele teoretyczne (Politeness Theory - Brown & Levinson (1987), Graded Salience Hypothesis - Giora (2003), Dynamic Model of Meaning - Kecskes (2008)), a w dalszej części demonstrują ich wykorzystanie w badaniach o charakterze analitycznym oraz empirycznym. Książka jest bogato ilustrowana, zawiera także obszerną bibliografię literatury poświęconej dyskursowi reklamowemu oraz indeks.

The book is an attemtp at extending the scope of methodological insights into the discourse of press advertisements by means of elaborating new models of analysis of this peculiar type of pictorial-textual artefact. The applicability and feasibility of these new models are tested against a rich corpus of press advertisements extracted from Polish, British and Chinese newspapers and magazines. The book is divided into three chapters: the first one constitutes a theoretical introduction, containing an overview of studies on the discourse of advertising, whereas the remaining two first introduce seleced theoretical models (Politeness Theory - Brown & Levinson (1987), Graded Salience Hypothesis - Giora (2003), Dynamic Model of Meaning - Kecskes (2008)) and later demonstrate their analytical potential in the investigation of press advertisements. The book is richly illustrated and contains extensive bibliography of advertising discourse literature, followed by an index.
Table of contents

Acknowledgements / 9
Abbreviations used in the text / 11
Preface / 13

Chapter One
Academic reflections on the phenomenon of advertising
1.1. Introduction / 17
1.2. The scope of analysis / 19
1.2.1. The medium / 21
1.2.2. Analysts' favourites / 25 Code-mixing in advertising / 26 The wordplay in commercials / 28 The application of gender stereotyping in advertisements / 31
1.2.3. Dissecting advertisements / 35 Illustrative elements: pictures, videos, music, sound effects / 35 Slogans / 37 Brand names / 39 Disclaimers and disclosures / 44
1.3. The input/output perspective / 46
1.3.1. The content analysis / 47 The size of the sample / 48 The selection of focus / 48 Aspects of bottom-up and top-down design / 51 Exemplification of inductive content analysis / 53
1.3.2. The processing and responses / 55 The selection of the input material and the area of focus / 56 The perspective of the subjects' responses / 62 The participant characteristics / 66 Summary / 67

Chapter Two
Politeness Theory in the analysis of advertisements
2.1. Introduction / 69
2.2. Brown and Levinson's model / 70
2.3. Reflections on politeness, face and the applicability of the model / 75
2.4. Modeling the selected aspects of face / 78
2.5. Content-analysis-based illustration / 80
2.6. The theoretical basis of the study design / 87
2.6.1. The materials and the subjects / 89
2.6.2. The questionnaire construction / 90
2.7. The qualitative investigation / 94
2.7.1. The Polish responses / 94
2.7.2. The British responses / 105
2.7.3. The Chinese responses / 110
2.8. The survey-based intercultural comparison / 115

Chapter Three
The new perspectives
3.1. Introduction / 124
3.2. Salient meanings in advertisements / 125
3.2.1. Graded Salience Hypothesis - an overview / 125
3.2.2. Static and dynamic attributes of salience / 129
3.2.3. Salience as the feature of linguistic and extra-linguistic units / 138 The exploitation of font / 139 Pictorial metonymy / 146 Visualisations of idiomatic meanings / 151 Visuals directing the interpretation / 155 Summary / 159
3.2.4. Optimal innovation in press advertisements / 160 Study design and elicitation method / 161 Gauging the level of innovativeness / 162 Measuring the attractiveness of innovation / 163 Discussion of the results / 164
3.2.5. Salience in advertising: the new territory / 167
3.3. Dynamic Nature of Context / 172
3.3.1. Dynamic Model of Meaning - an overview / 173
3.3.2. The perspective of the sender and the recipient / 179 Reconstruction of the creative process / 180 Predicting the viewers' reactions / 185 Peculiarities of the low-involvement processing of commercial messages / 187
3.3.3. The role and components of context in advertising communication / 191 Activation of multiple consenses / 191 The Stratified Model of the actual situational context / 197 Modelling the interpretation of advertisements / 204
3.3.4. Expansion and extended application of the model / 206
3.4. Summary / 215

References / 219

Appendix 1
Transcript of advertisements used in the study of face-work / 239
The Polish advertisements / 240
The British advertisements / 246
The Chinese advertisements / 250

Appendix 2
Investigation of the elements of face and face-work / 255
The Polish questionnaire / 256
The English questionnaire / 257
The Chinese questionnaire / 258

Appendix 3
Investigation of optimal innovation / 259
Originality and innovation: Polish version / 260
Originality and innovation: English version / 261
Appreciation: Polish version / 262
Appreciation: English version / 263

Index of names / 265
Subject index / 271

Książka "EBOOK Theoretical frameworks in the study of press advertisements: Polish, English and Chinese persp"
Adam Wojtaszek